Early Childhood HPV-infection Outcome (ECHO) – Study is an ongoing offspring study of the children of the original Finnish Family HPV (FFHPV) – study cohort. The aim is to provide understanding of different variables that influence the incidence or persistence of the oral and genital HPV infection among young adults with recorded early childhood HPV history status.

The 331 newborns that were recruited with their parents the original FFHPV study are now around 16-20 years old young adults. Our aim is to follow-up all these young adults with a visit with a range of sampling and a detailed questionnaire. Based, on their oral or genital HPV risk status, a clinical follow-up visit for the risk groups: a colposcopy and an oral examination.



Improving Cervical cAncer RoUtine Screening (ICARUS) – study  is based on cervical cancer screening samples collected according to routine cervical cancer screening program in the city of Tampere and its’ surrounding municipalities between years 2012 -2021 (spin-off study of the original PREVENT-study). The aim of the study is to investigate the role of HPV specific and epigenetic biomarkers and other clinical factors in cervical disease progression among the cervical cancer screening population in Tampere region. Evaluation will be done using the in the original population-based cervical cancer screening samples as also samples from women that are referred due to an abnormal screening result to the colposcopy clinic at the Tampere University Hospital. The study will help to explore the best possible screening tests to the current  screening and treatment as follow-up guidelines for cervical disease.



The Finnish Family HPV (FFHPV) – study was designed to clarify the dynamics of HPV transmission within infection within regular Finnish families and was conducted in 1998-2007 at the Turku University Hospital, Finland. Initially 329 pregnant women, 131 spouses and 331 newborns where followed up to 6 years. The study protocol included a detail questionnaire on sexual habits, in addition a serial sampling starting from each visit (genital and oral brush samples, blood, sera, saliva, placenta, breast milk and semen).



The main aim of this study is assess the best approach of HPV-screening for HPV-vaccinated women in the HPV vaccination era and evaluate the caveats of the HPV vaccination and how to improve the cervical cancer screening methods for the future. The study will use the two following subsequent Finnish trials, a community randomised HPV vaccination effectiveness trial (HPV-040, NCT00534638) and the accuracy of cervical screening trial in HPV vaccinated women (HPV-004/HPV-400, NCT02149030). Screening trial takes place in the original 33 trial communities and the Helsinki Metropolitan area in Finland.  HPV vaccinated participants have been invited to attend follow-up visit at the ages of 22, 25 and 28 years. The study will give the best assessment of the most effective screening strategy for HPV-vaccinees.



SExual function and QUality of lifE after Leep (SEQUEL): A prospective multi-center study evaluating sexuality and quality of life of women undergoing loop electrosurgical procedure (LEEP) compared to women undergoing only colposcopy without surgical treatment using international validated self-report questionnaires (Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and 15D). Recruitment of a total of 1000 women is done in Tampere University Hospital, Helsinki University Hospital, Kuopio University Hospital, Oulu University Hospital, North Karelia Central Hospital and Hyvinkää Hospital. The follow-up time is 5 years. The aim of the study is to investigate long-term effects of LEEP on sexual functions and quality of life. The study will help to improve current treatment recommendations if long-term changes are found between the intervention arm and control arm, taking into account the pros and cons of the surgical procedure.



hPv pRimary cErVical cancer scrEening iN Tampere (PREVENT) – study  is based on registry data on cervical cancer screening tests results collected according to routine cervical cancer screening program in the city of Tampere and its’ surrounding municipalities from the year 2012 onwards. The original aim of the study was to investigate the efficacy of HPV-DNA primary testing in the the national population-based cervical cancer screening program in Finland. Tampere was the first city in Finland to introduce HPV-DNA primary screening for cervical cancer screening.  The study helps to improve the current  screening and follow-up guidelines for cervical disease with its over 10 year of clinical based registry data.