Professor Mervi Kaukko held her inaugural lecture on May 16th, 2024. The topic of her lecture was Three ways to misinterpret a Refugee Child, because she thinks research tends to simplify the experiences of refugee-background students. MTT joined Mervi on her big day.
Besides being a team leader for MTT, Mervi is currently busy with five externally funded research projects that explore the experiences of children and young people from refugee backgrounds in schools and the broader society. One of her ongoing projects is KOTI – From Emergency Responses to Sustainable Refugee Education, which is funded by Kone Foundation and examines how schools could better support their refugee and asylum-seeking learners. Another is Drawing Together, which is funded by NordForsk and will soon be completed.
More about Mervi and her research can be read in this link (opens in a new tab)
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Mervi Kaukko piti professorin juhlaluennon torstaina 16.5.2024. Hän valitsi juhlaluentonsa aiheeksi Kolme tapaa nähdä pakolaislapsi väärin, koska hänen mielestään tutkimuksella on tapana yksinkertaistaa pakolaistaustaisten oppilaiden kokemukset. MTT oli mukana juhlistamassa Mervin suurta juhlapäivää.
Mervistä ja hänen tutkimuksestaan ja vastuualueestaan voi lukea lisää oheisesta uutisesta (linkki aukeaa uuteen välilehteen)