Publications and People


Majed Abusalama

Khalid Dader

Wassim Ghantous

Mikko Joronen

Tiina Järvi

Abdalrahman Kittana

Danna Masad

Dalia Zein


Zena Agha

Daoud Ghoul

Mark Griffiths

Ishraq Othman

Jemima Repo

Selected Publications

Järvi T (2024) Beyond refugeeness: complex subjectivities in Palestinian refugee campsSocial and Cultural Geography.

Joronen M & Tarvainen A (2024) Asuttajakolonialismi Palestiinassa: Oikeutuspuheesta kriittiseen tutkimukseen. Kosmopolis

Joronen M & Tarvainen A (2024) Kolonialismin hauntologiasta Palestiinassa. Kosmopolis

Agha Z, Esson J, Griffiths M, Joronen M (2024) Gaza: a decolonial geography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, doi:10.1111/tran.12675

Joronen M & Ghantous W (2024) Weathering violence: atmospheric materialities and olfactory durations of ‘skunk water’ in Palestine. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space.

Joronen, M (2023) Atmospheric negations: Weaponising breathing, attuning irreducible bodies. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space,

Järvi, T (2023) Uncanny returns in settler colonial state: return, exile, and decolonization in Palestine/Israel. Ethnic and Racial Studies,

Järvi, T (2023) Expectations to Fulfill: Anticipating the Familial Future in Palestinian Refugee Camps. In: Griffiths, M & Joronen, M (eds) Encountering Palestine. Un/making Spaces of Colonial Violence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Ghantous, W (2023) Encountering the Israeli War Machine: Imminent (In)security, Vortical Violence, Rhizomatic Sumud. In: Griffiths, M & Joronen, M (eds) Encountering Palestine. Un/making Spaces of Colonial Violence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Griffiths, M & Joronen, M (2023, eds). Encountering Palestine. Un/making Spaces of Colonial Violence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Dader K (2023) Boxed Masculinities in a ‘Boxed’ Region: Exploring Masculine Performative Roles in the Gaza Strip. University of South-Eastern Norway.

Griffiths, M (2023) The Regavim Show: Settler Colonialism, Simulacra, and Mirroring. In: Griffiths, M & Joronen, M (eds) Encountering Palestine. Un/making Spaces of Colonial Violence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Joronen, M (2023) Life of the Wounded: Rethinking Settler Colonial Power in Palestine. In: Griffiths, M & Joronen, M (eds) Encountering Palestine. Un/making Spaces of Colonial Violence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Järvi, T, Tarvainen A & Joronen, M (2023) Miehitys, asuttajakolonialismi ja vallan epätasapaino: Kommentti Ylen taustoitukseen Gazan tilanteesta. Lähi-itä nyt 1/2023

Järvi, T, Joronen, M & Ghantous W (2023) Väkivalta synnyttää vastarintaa: katsaus Gazan tilanteen taustoihin. Alusta!

Ghantous, W & Joronen M. (2022) Dromoelimination: Accelerating settler colonialism in PalestineEnvironment and Planning D: Society and Space 40(3): 393–412

Zein D (2022) Performance et exclusion: la place du corps au sein du mouvement intersectionnel des travailleuses domestiques au Liban. L’Homme & la Société 1(214-215) 161-190.

Griffiths, M. (2022) The geontological time-spaces of late modern war. Progress in Human Geography 46(2) 282-298

Joronen, M. & Griffiths, M. (2022) Ungovernability and ungovernable life in Palestine. Political Geography 98 1-10

Griffiths, M. (2022) Thanato-geographies of Palestine and the possibility of politics. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 40(8) 1643-1658

Griffiths, M. & Brooks, A. (2022) The gendered effects of low-wage cross-border labour in occupied Palestine: a relational comparison. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 112(6):1761-1776

Järvi, T (2021) Demonstrating the desired future: performative dimensions of internally displaced Palestinians’ return activities. Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography, 103:4, 380-396.

Joronen M, Tawil-Souri H, Amir M & Griffiths M (2021) Palestinian Futures: Anticipation, Imagination, Embodiments. Introduction to Special Issue. Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography, 103(4): 277-282

Joronen M (2021). Unspectacular spaces of slow wounding in Palestine. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 46(4):995-1007

Griffiths M & Joronen M (2021) Governmentalized futures: uncertainty, possibility and anticipation in occupied Palestine. Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography, 103(4): 352-366

Joronen M (2021). To wound life, to prevent its recovery:  Enforcing vulnerability in Gaza. In Bissell, D., Harrison, P. and M. Rose (eds): Negative Geographies: Exploring the Politics of Limits. University of Nebraska Press.

Zein D (2020) Embodied Placemaking : Filipina Migrant Domestic Workers’ Neighborhood in Beirut. Mashriq & Mahjar : Journal of Middle Eastern and North African Migration Studies 7(2) 69-99.

Griffiths M & Repo J (2020) Women and checkpoints in Palestine. Security Dialogue 52(3), 249–265.

Griffiths M & Repo J (2020) Women’s lives beyond the checkpoint in PalestineAntipode 52(4): 1104-1121.

Ghantous W (2020) Settler-Colonial Assemblages and the Making of the Israeli Frontier. Palestinian experiences of (in)security, surveillance and carceral geographies. University of Gothenburg (PhD).

Joronen M (2020). Palestiinan tulevaisuudet. Yksityiskohdista paljastuva poliittinen (open access)

Joronen M & Rose, M (2020). Vulnerability and its politics: Precarity and the woundedness of power. Progress in Human Geography 45(6), 1402–1418

Järvi T (2019) Marking landscape, claiming belonging: The building of a Jewish homeland in Israel/Palestine. In: Lounela A, Berglund E, Kallinen T (eds) Dwelling in Political Landscapes: Contemporary Anthropological Perspectives. Helsinki: SKS.

Balazs R & Zein D (2019). Social Cohesion vis-à-vis Spatial Division: the Contradictions of Participatory Design” in Aelbrecht, P. & Stevens Q. (eds) Public Space Design and Social Cohesion: an International Comparison. London: Routledge, 78-97.

Joronen, M (2019) Negotiating colonial violence: spaces of precarisation in Palestine. Antipode 51(3), 838-857.

Joronen M & Griffiths M (2019) The affective politics of precarity: home demolitions in the occupied West BankEnvironment and Planning D: Society and Space 37(3) 561-576.

Griffiths M & Joronen M (2019) Marriage under occupation: Israel’s spousal visa restrictions in the West Bank Gender, Place & Culture 26(2) 153-172 (open access here)

Joronen M & Griffiths M (2019) The moment to come: geographies of hope in the hyperprecarious sites of occupied PalestineGeografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 101(2) 69-83

Griffiths M, Baker K. (2019) Decolonising the spaces of geographical knowledge production: the RGS‐IBG at Kensington Gore. Area 2020, 52(2), 455-458.

Griffiths M. (2018) For speaking against silence: Spivak’s subaltern ethics in the field. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2018, 43(2), 299-311.

Griffiths M & Repo J (2018) Biopolitics and Checkpoint 300 in Occupied Palestine: bodies, affect, discipline Political Geography 65 17-25

Joronen M & Järvi T (2018) Gazan mielenilmaukset nousevat pakolaisyhteisön realiteeteistaLähi-itä Nyt.

Joronen M (2017) Spaces of waiting: politics of precarious recognition in the Palestinian West Bank. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 35(6):994–1011.

Joronen M (2017) Waiting and claiming rights: precarities of settler colonial recognition. Society and Space (open access).

Griffiths M (2017) Hope in Hebron: the political affects of activism in a strangled city Antipode 49(3) 617-635.

Joronen M (2017) Refusing to be a victim, refusing to be an enemy. Form-of-life as resistance in Palestinian struggle against settler colonialism. Political Geography, 56, 91–100.

Joronen M (2017) Few notions on ontology and destituent power. A reply to Gordon. Political Geography, 56, 104-105.

Joronen M & Häkli J (2017) Politizicing Ontology. Progress in Human Geography 41(5): 561–579.

Joronen M (2016) Death comes knocking on the roof. Governmentalities of ethical killing during Operation Protective Edge in Gaza. Antipode 48(2), 336-354.

Joronen M (2016) Politics of Precarious Childhood: Ill-treatment of Palestinian Children under the Israeli Military Order. Geopolitics 21(1), 92-114.

Ghantous W, Binzoni J (2015) Corporate Complicity in Violations of International Law in Palestine. BADIL: Bethlehem.

Joronen M (2015) Minor(s) matter: stone-throwing, securitization and the government of Palestinian childhood under Israeli military rule’. In: Millei Z & R Imre (eds.) Childhood and Nation. Palgrave MacMillan.

Makhoul M, Reynolds S, Hastings T, Ghantous W and Al-Ubeidiya H  (2014) Forced Population Transfer: The Case of Palestine- Discriminatory Zoning and Planning. BADIL: Bethlehem.