Publications and People

Selected Publications

Agha Z, Esson J, Griffiths M, Joronen M (2024) Gaza: a decolonial geography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, doi:10.1111/tran.12675

Joronen M & Ghantous W (2024) Weathering violence: atmospheric materialities and olfactory durations of ‘skunk water’ in Palestine. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space.

Joronen, M (2023) Atmospheric negations: Weaponising breathing, attuning irreducible bodies. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space,

Järvi, T (2023) Uncanny returns in settler colonial state: return, exile, and decolonization in Palestine/Israel. Ethnic and Racial Studies,

Järvi, T (2023) Expectations to Fulfill: Anticipating the Familial Future in Palestinian Refugee Camps. In: Griffiths, M & Joronen, M (eds) Encountering Palestine. Un/making Spaces of Colonial Violence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Ghantous, W (2023) Encountering the Israeli War Machine: Imminent (In)security, Vortical Violence, Rhizomatic Sumud. In: Griffiths, M & Joronen, M (eds) Encountering Palestine. Un/making Spaces of Colonial Violence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Griffiths, M (2023) The Regavim Show: Settler Colonialism, Simulacra, and Mirroring. In: Griffiths, M & Joronen, M (eds) Encountering Palestine. Un/making Spaces of Colonial Violence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Joronen, M (2023) Life of the Wounded: Rethinking Settler Colonial Power in Palestine. In: Griffiths, M & Joronen, M (eds) Encountering Palestine. Un/making Spaces of Colonial Violence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Griffiths, M & Joronen, M (2023, eds). Encountering Palestine. Un/making Spaces of Colonial Violence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Järvi, T, Tarvainen A & Joronen, M (2023) Miehitys, asuttajakolonialismi ja vallan epätasapaino: Kommentti Ylen taustoitukseen Gazan tilanteesta. Lähi-itä nyt 1/2023

Järvi, T, Joronen, M & Ghantous W (2023) Väkivalta synnyttää vastarintaa: katsaus Gazan tilanteen taustoihin. Alusta!

Ghantous, W & Joronen M. (2022) Dromoelimination: Accelerating settler colonialism in PalestineEnvironment and Planning D: Society and Space 40(3): 393–412

Griffiths, M. (2022) The geontological time-spaces of late modern war. Progress in Human Geography 46(2) 282-298

Joronen, M. & Griffiths, M. (2022) Ungovernability and ungovernable life in Palestine. Political Geography 98 1-10

Griffiths, M. (2022) Thanato-geographies of Palestine and the possibility of politics. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 40(8) 1643-1658

Griffiths, M. & Brooks, A. (2022) The gendered effects of low-wage cross-border labour in occupied Palestine: a relational comparison. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 112(6):1761-1776

Järvi, T (2021) Demonstrating the desired future: performative dimensions of internally displaced Palestinians’ return activities. Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography, 103:4, 380-396.

Joronen M, Tawil-Souri H, Amir M & Griffiths M (2021) Palestinian Futures: Anticipation, Imagination, Embodiments. Introduction to Special Issue. Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography, 103(4): 277-282

Joronen M (2021). Unspectacular spaces of slow wounding in Palestine. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 46(4):995-1007

Griffiths M & Joronen M (2021) Governmentalized futures: uncertainty, possibility and anticipation in occupied Palestine. Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography, 103(4): 352-366

Joronen M (2021). To wound life, to prevent its recovery:  Enforcing vulnerability in Gaza. In Bissell, D., Harrison, P. and M. Rose (eds): Negative Geographies: Exploring the Politics of Limits. University of Nebraska Press.

Griffiths M & Repo J (2020) Women and checkpoints in Palestine. Security Dialogue 52(3), 249–265.

Griffiths M & Repo J (2020) Women’s lives beyond the checkpoint in PalestineAntipode 52(4): 1104-1121.

Ghantous W (2020) Settler-Colonial Assemblages and the Making of the Israeli Frontier. Palestinian experiences of (in)security, surveillance and carceral geographies. University of Gothenburg (PhD).

Joronen M (2020). Palestiinan tulevaisuudet. Yksityiskohdista paljastuva poliittinen (open access)

Joronen M & Rose, M (2020). Vulnerability and its politics: Precarity and the woundedness of power. Progress in Human Geography 45(6), 1402–1418

Järvi T (2019) Marking landscape, claiming belonging: The building of a Jewish homeland in Israel/Palestine. In: Lounela A, Berglund E, Kallinen T (eds) Dwelling in Political Landscapes: Contemporary Anthropological Perspectives. Helsinki: SKS.

Joronen, M (2019) Negotiating colonial violence: spaces of precarisation in Palestine. Antipode 51(3), 838-857.

Joronen M & Griffiths M (2019) The affective politics of precarity: home demolitions in the occupied West BankEnvironment and Planning D: Society and Space 37(3) 561-576.

Griffiths M & Joronen M (2019) Marriage under occupation: Israel’s spousal visa restrictions in the West Bank Gender, Place & Culture 26(2) 153-172 (open access here)

Joronen M & Griffiths M (2019) The moment to come: geographies of hope in the hyperprecarious sites of occupied PalestineGeografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 101(2) 69-83

Griffiths M, Baker K. (2019) Decolonising the spaces of geographical knowledge production: the RGS‐IBG at Kensington Gore. Area 2020, 52(2), 455-458.

Griffiths M. (2018) For speaking against silence: Spivak’s subaltern ethics in the field. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2018, 43(2), 299-311.

Griffiths M & Repo J (2018) Biopolitics and Checkpoint 300 in Occupied Palestine: bodies, affect, discipline Political Geography 65 17-25

Joronen M & Järvi T (2018) Gazan mielenilmaukset nousevat pakolaisyhteisön realiteeteistaLähi-itä Nyt.

Joronen M (2017) Spaces of waiting: politics of precarious recognition in the Palestinian West Bank. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 35(6):994–1011.

Joronen M (2017) Waiting and claiming rights: precarities of settler colonial recognition. Society and Space (open access).

Griffiths M (2017) Hope in Hebron: the political affects of activism in a strangled city Antipode 49(3) 617-635.

Joronen M (2017) Refusing to be a victim, refusing to be an enemy. Form-of-life as resistance in Palestinian struggle against settler colonialism. Political Geography, 56, 91–100.

Joronen M (2017) Few notions on ontology and destituent power. A reply to Gordon. Political Geography, 56, 104-105.

Joronen M & Häkli J (2017) Politizicing Ontology. Progress in Human Geography 41(5): 561–579.

Joronen M (2016) Death comes knocking on the roof. Governmentalities of ethical killing during Operation Protective Edge in Gaza. Antipode 48(2), 336-354.

Joronen M (2016) Politics of Precarious Childhood: Ill-treatment of Palestinian Children under the Israeli Military Order. Geopolitics 21(1), 92-114.

Ghantous W, Binzoni J (2015) Corporate Complicity in Violations of International Law in Palestine. BADIL: Bethlehem.

Joronen M (2015) Minor(s) matter: stone-throwing, securitization and the government of Palestinian childhood under Israeli military rule’. In: Millei Z & R Imre (eds.) Childhood and Nation. Palgrave MacMillan.

Makhoul M, Reynolds S, Hastings T, Ghantous W and Al-Ubeidiya H  (2014) Forced Population Transfer: The Case of Palestine- Discriminatory Zoning and Planning. BADIL: Bethlehem.


For more information:

Majed Abusalama

Zena Agha

Khalid Dader

Wassim Ghantous

Daoud Ghoul

Mark Griffiths

Mikko Joronen

Tiina Järvi

Abdalrahman Kittana

Danna Masad

Ishraq Othman

Jemima Repo

Dalia Zein