Data Management Support for Research Projects

In early 2021, Tampere University Library established a team for providing data management expert services for research groups and projects. The team provides support in the practical implementation of research data management. The team consists of senior specialist Turkka Näppilä and data management specialists Anna-Stiina Suur-Uski and Markus Vattulainen. The new team expands the current service offering of the university Research Data Services.

Data management specialists will provide support, e.g., in producing/collecting, organising, describing, cleaning, sharing, publishing and long-term preservation of research data in line with the best practices of responsible data management and requirements of research funders. We are technically-oriented people with programming skills. We may also contribute in composing documentation, such as Data Management Plans (DMP) and related guidelines (GDPR) and designing workflows. Our services are tailored to your needs. For the best benefit, ask us to join already at the research planning phase.

The starting point in the development of the data management expert services has been to meet the needs of large-scale research projects, such as EU-funded projects, coordinated by Tampere University, where a data management specialist works as a member of the project team and part of his/her salary is covered by the project budget according to the allocated working hours. Whenever the workload allows it, we also aim to support individual researchers, research groups and other research projects.

The undercurrent in establishing the data management expert service team are the increasing importance of research data management and the international development, in which, especially in the academic field, the research data management support services are transforming into own profession with specialized tasks. This is due to the diversity and complexity of research data management as a phenomenon and, most of all, the need to free up more time and resources of researchers to conduct their research. In Europe, the Netherlands is a pioneer in this development. In Finland, we at Tampere University are forerunners.

At this early stage of service design, feel free to contact us at a low threshold! You can reach us via Research Data Services at