Love Data Week 2022: I’ll search the universe until I find you

Butterflies are flickering in the stomach. Wonder what it’s like. Is it nice? Are we compatible? Does it look as good as I’ve imagined in my mind? Would this be the beginning of a beautiful long-term relationship? 

Looking for new data can be like looking for a new partner. Excitement, enthusiasm, novelty, diversity of options. The abundance of alternatives can sometimes be frustrating. How is one to know which candidate to choose? Is the best data partner to be found in the Finnish Social Science Data Archive? The candidates there are high-quality, downright elite partners, and there are clear rules for dating. But what if one wants a more diverse selection to look for? Should one go for Zenodo, B2Shre or Figshre? It is exciting when almost anything can come up! The cornucopia of choices can also discourage so it might be easier to come up with a selection criteria. When there are plenty of partner options, descriptive information makes it easier to assess their suitability for a relationship.      

When you need a new data partner, you can search for suitable data archives for example here: Re3data. To browse metadata, check Etsin.   

Data tip:

  • Joel, Samantha (2018). Is romantic desire predictable? Machine learning applied to initial romantic attraction. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Archive. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-852716.


The Research Data Services celebrate the international Love Data Week in 14.2.-18.2.2022. In matters relating to research data management, contact our experts on data love




Background image: Tom Jur on Unsplash