Feedback from staff after the Change Laboratory in a youth housing unit

(Four statements in total found in the feedback box and translated from Finnish)



“Without the CL the work we have done would have remained significantly thinner. By this I mean the support materials produced with the help of the outside experts, listening to the workers and overall bringing in a conversation culture to support the working groups and to move into an open, sometimes also roughly honest expression. Genuine change does not happen without pain and growth and development are seldom painless.

It is quite tough to investigate the results of one’s own work and to analyse the mistake we have historically made. Our work community would not be what it is in April 2019 without the persistent and extremely competent work of the Change Laboratory. The value is completely immeasurable.

I am forever grateful to the research group.”



“The Change Lab helped us to reflect on the meaning of our own work and on the need of change. The need for change became very clear.

Also the working group became much more unified during the process. A shared reflection will also help in the future collaboration between the staff members.

It was very positive to realize that these meetings did not generate resistance and nagging but interest to work with you.”



“We have gone through a big change in the image of our work by discending among the clients in a different way from the past.

Personally I experienced it as a pleasant way to function with a better encounter and conversational connection.

We live as the lives our clients, beside them, following them, and cotching them.

The meaning of the Change Laboratory has been a mental and spiritual growth.

With the help of the Change Lab we have clarified the picture of our work to correspond to the present and we have gained new ideas for the work.”



“I liked it a lot. It brought up well everybody’s perspectives and not just one’s own. We got a clear, overall picture and understanding of the difficulties of the changes, both among the colleagues and among the residents.”


(April 2019)


Next to Change Laboratory with the City of Tampere