To ensure efficient and fluent work in our substantially large RC, we have organized our work under 3 thematic areas, namely, In vitro and in vivo tissue engineering, Biomedical microsystems and biomeasurements, and Clinical translation and leaders of these thematic areas together with RC leaders form the RC board.

The high-quality research and education are naturally interlinked in the academic world. At this moment we are training over 80 PhD students, and have supervised over 100 PhD thesis during past 10 years. Most of our PhD students belong to doctoral school of our faculty (
We supervise annually about 40 MSc and BSc thesis and most of these students belong to our own degree programmes. We also supervise theses works for other universities both nationally and internationally. All our PI’s and several researchers are responsible of running courses as well as Majors and Minors in the faculty Degree Programmes.
Please find the link to our Degree Programmes in (–studies)