Non-metropolitan regions are considered more exposed to external shocks than their metropolitan counterparts, while having lower capacities to change. However, there is considerable variation among non-metropolitan regions. We argue that this variation can be captured theoretically by modelling the dynamic interplay between perceived and real opportunity spaces and agency. We empirically analyse regional change processes in 12 regions in the Nordics over a period of 30 years with a unique dataset. We find patterns of opportunity spaces and agency, which allow theoretical reflections about conditions and drivers for change, and has implications for place-based regional policy.
Grillitsch, M., Rekers, J., Asheim, B. Fitjar, R.D., Haus-Reve, S., Kolehmainen, J., Kurikka, H., Lundquist, K.-J., Martynovich, M., Monteilhet, S., Nielsen, H., Nilsson, M., Sopanen, S., Sotarauta, M. & Stihl, L. (2024) Patterns of opportunity spaces and agency across regional contexts: Conditions and drivers for change. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. https://doi: 10.1177/0308518X241303636
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