INSO Funding

SPREAD has been awarded with research funding to develop a pilot project within The Intelligent Society Platform at Tampere University

The project, titled ‘Social Robots and Ambient Assisted Living: the Independence and Isolation Balance’, aims to address the inherent contradiction between the will for autonomy and the risk of loneliness in ICT solutions and robotics employed for elderly care from the multidisciplinary perspective of the social sciences, technology and architecture.

The project consortium, coordinated by SPREAD (researchers: Fernando Nieto, Rosana Rubio-Hernández) includes the following research groups and disciplines at Tampere University: RobotsUs at the Faculty of Social Sciences (Social Sciences), ROSE Robotics and the Future of Welfare Services at the Faculty of Social Sciences (History and Philosophy), and TLTPOS Signal Processing for Wireless Positioning Group at the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences (Electrical Engineering).

The Intelligent Society Platform (INSO) is an Academy of Finland funded (2019-23) profiling action that seeks to strengthen cooperation on the TAU strategy axis society–technology. The aim is to contribute to the development of sustainable and equal, or intelligent society through interdisciplinary cooperation.