

Visualising Our Future Public Realm (VOF)

Collaboration with Aalto University, the Royal College of Art, London-based company SmartViz and five Finnish architecture and engineering companies (ALA Architects, Muuan, Olla Architecture, Lukkaroinen Architects and Sitowise). Project funded by Business Finland within the Sustainable Growth Program for Finland. Funding from NextGenerationEU through the European Union's Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). Researchers at SPREAD: Fernando Nieto (PI of TAU research group), Rosana Rubio-Hernández, Simon Kay-Jones


Wondering and Disclosedness: a Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of Solitude in the Built Environment

Researcher: Xianwen Zheng. Supervisors: Fernando Nieto, Rosana Rubio-Hernández


[Re]Claiming Domesticity: Towards a Critical Practice of the Home

Researcher: Sara Camponez. Supervisors: Fernando Nieto, Antti Pirinen (Aalto University)


Older Adults' Loneliness and Social Isolation

Collaboration between Brunel University London and Tampere University. Project funded by Research England funded I3 strategic collaboration project and Tampere University's seed funding. Researchers at SPREAD: Fernando Nieto (PI of TAU research group), Rosana Rubio-Hernández



Implementation of Contextual Complexity in AI-based Assessment Systems of Older People's Social Isolation (AIsola)

Project for interdisciplinary research with Tampere University's and external partners within The Intelligent Society Platform (INSO), an Academy of Finland funded (2018-2022) profiling initiative that seeks to strengthen cooperation on the TAU strategy axis society–technology. Consortium: SPREAD (coordinator, Faculty of Built Environment); ETLab Emerging Technologies Laboratory (Faculty of Social Sciences); Centre of Excellence on Research in Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare), GEREC Gerontology Research Centre (Faculty of Social Sciences); FAST-Lab. Future Automation Systems and Technologies Laboratory (Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences); TLTPOS Signal Processing for Wireless Positioning Group (Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences). External partner: Sointu Senioripalvelut (Tampere). Researchers at SPREAD: Fernando Nieto (PI), Rosana Rubio-Hernández


Sheld-on. Smart Habitat for the Elderly

Participation in EU COST Action 'Sheld-on. Indoor living space improvement: Smart Habitat for the Elderly' (CA16226). Working Group 4 'Solutions for Ageing Well at Home, in the Community and at Work'. Researchers at SPREAD: Fernando Nieto, Rosana Rubio-Hernández


Intelligent Social Technologies Enhancing Community Interaction and Sustainable Use of Shared Living Spaces in Superblocks (SocialBlock)

Project for interdisciplinary research with Tampere University's and external partners within The Intelligent Society Platform (INSO), an Academy of Finland funded (2018-2022) profiling initiative that seeks to strengthen cooperation on the TAU strategy axis society–technology. Consortium: IHTE Human-Centered Technology (coordinator, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences); ETLab Emerging Technologies Laboratory (Faculty of Social Sciences); POLEIS Politics of Space and the Environment (Faculty of Management and Business); SPREAD (Faculty of Built Environment); CME Construction Management and Economics (Faculty of Built Environment). External partner: Hiedanrannan Kehitys Oy (Tampere). Researchers at SPREAD: Fernando Nieto (PI of TAU research group), Rosana Rubio-Hernández


Building for a Healthy Climate (Build4Clima)

Co-creation project funded by Business Finland in collaboration with VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. The project's vision is to build for a healthy climate with materials that support people's health and well-being. External partners: national and international companies and architecture offices. Researchers at SPREAD: Fernando Nieto (PI of TAU research group), Simon Kay-Jones, Rosana Rubio-Hernández


Loneliness and the Built Environment: Philosophical, Societal and Technological Perspectives (LOBE)

Project for interdisciplinary research with national and international partners within Sustainable Welfare Systems (SWS), an Academy of Finland funded (2019-2023) profiling initiative that seeks to strengthen cooperation on the TAU strategy axis society–technology. Researchers at SPREAD: Fernando Nieto (PI), Rosana Rubio-Hernández


Social Robots and Ambient Assisted Living: the Independence and Isolation Balance (SOCIETAL)

SOCIETAL aims to address the inherent contradiction between the will for autonomy and the risk of loneliness in ICT solutions and robotics employed for elderly care from the multidisciplinary perspective of the social sciences, technology and architecture. Pilot project within The Intelligent Society Platform (INSO), an Academy of Finland funded (2018-2022) profiling initiative that seeks to strengthen cooperation on the TAU strategy axis society–technology. Consortium: SPREAD (coordinator, Faculty of Built Environment); RobotsUs (Faculty of Social Sciences); ROSE Robotics and the Future of Welfare Services (Faculty of Social Sciences); TLTPOS Signal Processing for Wireless Positioning Group (Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences). Researchers at SPREAD: Fernando Nieto (PI), Rosana Rubio-Hernández


Experiencing Biomaterial Agency through Spatial Assemblages: How the Material World Energises Spatial Experiences

The project addresses the emergent intersection between spatial and experiential design with biomaterial agency and explores the development of a theoretical framework to understand how materials and their assemblages produce spatial qualities, how those qualities may be measured, and how through the architectural project this understanding can lead to the implementation of new design strategies and tools in spatial assemblage for architects. Researcher: Simon Kay-Jones. Supervisor: Fernando Nieto


Ease of Space: Design Framework for Smart Age-Friendly Cities (EoS)

EoS is a multidisciplinary project addressing the challenge posed in cities worldwide by the unprecedented increase in life expectancy with the twofold goal of delivering a design framework and transferable methodology as well as building an international and multisector network of experts, stakeholders, and communities in the context of age-friendly cities. Researcher: Rosana Rubio-Hernández. Supervisor: Fernando Nieto