ASIANET Courses on Asian and Chinese Cinema for Spring 2023 - Apply Now!

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In Spring 2023, TaRC's Tatu Laukkanen organizes two Master's level courses on Asian and Chinese cinema via the Asianet network. Applications are welcome until Sunday 20 November!

Dr Laukkanen’s courses, Asian Cinema through a Global Lens (2 ECTS) and Introduction to the Cinemas of Greater China (3 ECTS), are offered via Asianet – the Finnish University Network for Asian Studies.

The course Asian Cinema through a Global Lens is designed as an introduction to different Asian cinemas – Philippine, Japanese, Korean, and Indian – as well as formal and narrative screen analysis.

Meanwhile, the module Introduction to the Cinemas of Greater China examines classic and contemporary filmic texts from Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the Chinese diaspora. It offers deep knowledge on Chinese culture and particularly film history, ideology and aesthetics.

Both courses will be held online in English from February to May 2023. They are available for free for Master’s level students who hold a valid study right at a University Network’s member university. This includes both degree students and exchange students.

Application is now underway and continues until Sunday 20 November. For more information on the courses and how to apply, please visit this page.