
Ongoing events

  • 9 January–14 May & September onwards: Monthly Online Talks on Russian Media in collaboration with the Russian Media Lab Network (Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki).

Past events

  • 14 February–9 May & 12 September–12 December 2023: Monthly Online Talks on Russian Media in collaboration with the Russian Media Lab Network (Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki).
  • 17 May 2023: TaRC’s Spring Seminar at Tampere University (internal seminar for TaRC members)
  • 11 January–10 May & 13 September–13 December 2022: Monthly Online Talks on Russian Media in collaboration with the Russian Media Lab Network (Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki).
  • 22 March 2022: TaRC’s Spring Seminar “The Web: Debating Its Promise and Freedom” at Tampere University (internal seminar for researchers).
  • 27 January–7 March 2022: Course “Journalism at the Age of Uncertainty” at Tampere University.
  • 19 January–11 May & 14 September–14 December 2021: Monthly Online Talks on Russian Media in collaboration with the Russian Media Lab Network (Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki).
  • 2 March–6 May 2021: Online course “Women and the Media in China” at Tampere University in partnership with the Finnish University Network for Asian Studies.
  • 2 November–31 December 2020: TaRC’s 3rd International Master Class, Health and Media, as an online-only course for students.
  • 13 October–8 December 2020: Monthly Online Talks on Russian Media in collaboration with the Russian Media Lab Network (Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki).
  • March–May 2020: Online course “Women and the Media in China” at Tampere University in partnership with the Finnish University Network for Asian Studies.
  • 26–30 November 2018: Daily public events at TaRC’s 1st international Master Class, Media and the Arctic.
  • 1–3 June 2018: New urban media conference, Perm, Russia.
  • 6 April 2018: TaRC student seminar, Tampere.
    • TaRC organized a seminar for students of the University of Tampere who were doing their Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis on a topic related to TaRC’s areas of interest.
    • The working language of the seminar was mostly Finnish, partly also English.
  • 16 March 2018: Mediating the Arctic, Rovaniemi.
    • Perspectives on Northern people in a workshop co-organized by the University of Tampere and the Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland.