Knowledge and power in education

Knowledge and power in education

This seminar presents ongoing work at the Faculty of Education and Culture in three research projects examining the intertwinements and co-constitution of knowledge and power in education politics nationally and cross-nationally, and with a view towards different levels of education.

Friday 18 March at 14–16 (UTC+2, Finland). The event is organized live at Tampere University’s EDU’s cafe (Åkerlundinkatu 5), and streamed via Zoom: (only chat enabled for audience during questions).


Programme (all times in UTC+2, Finnish time):

14.10–14.15 Opening of streaming, welcome (Prof Jaakko Kauko)

Assessment and evaluation in datafied early childhood education

14.15–14.30 Self-tracking assemblages. Investigating children’s activity trackers in ECEC, post-doctoral researcher Antti Paakkari

14.30–14.45 Highjacked by desires? – Infrastructure of child-staff ratios in Finnish early childhood education, researcher Hanna Toivonen

Policy Knowledge and Lesson Drawing in Nordic School Reform in an Era of International Comparison

14.45–15.00 Policy Knowledge and the Emergent Expert: Finnish Curriculum Reform in an Era of International Comparison, doctoral researcher Saija Volmari (EduKnow)

Transnational Knowledge Networks in Higher Education Policymaking

15.00–15.15 Ministry of Education and Culture in light of its working groups networks, professor Jaakko Kauko

General discussion

15.15–15.45 Discussion, professor Bob Lingard, professor Luís Miguel Carvalho, and all participants (on-line via chat).

Location: EDU’s café (Åkerlundinkatu 5, Tampere). Streamed on-line

Organizers: TRANSIT research centre with EduKnow, ECEPP, and POISED research group researchers (–research).

Image: Maxime Valcarce, Unsplash