The leader of the TreAdd research group, Professor Katja Kuusisto, is working as a visiting professor at Queen’s University Belfast (QUB), Northern Ireland, from November 6th to December 5th, 2023, hosted by Dr. Gillian Shorter, Reader in Psychology. This visit is part of a bilateral research exchange between QUB and the TreAdd research group in the research project titled ‘Client Segmentation and Services for People with SUDs – Will the Effectiveness Improve?’ (SEGMENT), funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health from 2021 to 2023. During the visit, we have furthered the collaboration initiated earlier in the autumn regarding service pathways and their effectiveness for individuals with problematic substance use. The visit has also provided a great opportunity to meet many other scholars whose work closely relates to the Drug and Alcohol Research Network (DARN). Dr. Gillian Shorter (Reader in Psychology, School of Psychology) co-directs this network with Professor Anne Campbell (School of Social Sciences, Education, and Social Work). The visit has opened new opportunities in research within our SEGMENT-project, as well as for future cooperation. Our delegation from Tampere University included Dr. Johanna Ranta for two weeks as part of her postdoctoral project ‘Anonymous Encounters on Illegal Paths,’ funded by the Kone Foundation.
TreAdd Research Group Visits Queen's University Belfast, UK