- Nicole Anderton was awarded a 6 month fixed-term doctoral student position by the Doctoral Programme at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology at Tampere University.
- Michiel Postema and Craig S. Carlson received €18 000 from the ‘tutkimus ja opetusympäristöjä koskeva investointusuunitelma’ at Tampere University for the purchase of components to develop a brain sonicator.
- Nicole Anderton received €1000 in travel funding from the Doctoral School to attend the 57th DGBMT Annual Conference on Biomedical Engineering.
- Nicole Anderton received 4000 PLN to attend a Multidisciplinary International School of Nanobiomaterials Engineering (MINE) workshop on Bionanomaterial and Nanomaterial Engineering held at Łódź University of Technology.
- Michiel Postema received €28 000 from the ‘tutkimus ja opetusympäristöjä koskeva investointusuunitelma’ at Tampere University for the purchase of an underwater immersion microscope.
- Michiel Postema received €45 000 from the ‘tutkimus ja opetusympäristöjä koskeva investointusuunitelma’ at Tampere University for the purchase of a portable ultrasound device.
- Nicole Anderton awarded a 8 month fixed-term doctoral student position by the Doctoral Programme at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology at Tampere University.
- Michiel Postema received a €750 000 research grant from the Academy of Finland for the topic “Sonic release of antibubble drugs (SONABUB)” . The project runs 01.09.2021 – 31.08.2025, under grant number 340026.
- Craig S. Carlson was awarded the Young Scientists Award for his presentation “Transient ink nucleation: the proof is in the pudding” during the 2020 Symposium on UltraSonic Electronics.
- Craig S. Carlson secured ZAR25 000 in funding for the purchase of an inverted microscope, and to participate in the Early Career Academic Programme at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
- Craig S. Carlson recieved a ZAR40 000 research grant from the Engineering and the Built Environment Faculty for the topic “Medical tattoo introduction and removal using ultrasound” in 2018.
- Michiel Postema received a ZAR25 000 research grant from the National Research Foundation, grant number 127102.