Michiel Postema obtained his MSc (Utrecht) for the thesis Discrimination between quarry blasts and micro-earthquakes using spectral analysis, applied to local Israeli events (1996), his Dr (Twente) for the thesis Medical Bubbles (2004), and his HDR (Tours) for the mémoire Microbulles et cellules acoustiques (2017). He founded the ULTRASOUND group in Johannesburg in 2018. During the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, he moved to Tampere, supervising the team in both places. He is Ravenclaw by hat, Hufflepuff by choice.
Craig S. Carlson obtained his MSc (Wits) for the thesis Fuzzy logic load forecasting with genetic algorithm parameter adjustment (2012) and his PhD (Wits) for the thesis The Sound of Ink (2021). He is a university lecturer at Aalto University, while still working closely with TUNI as a visiting researcher and with Wits as an honorary lecturer. He has been sorted into Ravenclaw. Nicole Anderton obtained her MSc (Wits) for the thesis Acoustic properties of antibubbles (2019) and her DSc (TUNI) for the dissertation Radial Dynamics of Pickering-stabilised Endoskeletal Antibubbles and Their Components in Pulsed Ultrasound (2024). She is a proud Slytherin. Annele Heikkilä obtained her MSc (JYU) for the dissertation Dosimetric Effects of Patient Rotations in Treatment of Breast Cancer Using Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (2021), and is currently pursuing her PhD at TUNI. The Sorting Hat has announced her to be in Hufflepuff. Sofia Voimanen is currently working on her MSc project titled Creation of dental damage with ultrasonic toothbrushes. Emily Sihvola is currently working on her MSc project titled Fragmentation distributions of cryomaterials. |
Visa Saarinen obtained his MSc (TUNI) for the dissertation Validation of magnetic resonance imaging in pelvis dose planning (2023).
Werneri Lindberg obtained his MSc (TUNI) for the dissertation Radiation detection system for the asymmetric beta decay of chemically spin-polarized nuclei for nuclear magnetic resonance in ultralow magnetic fields (2023). Nina Terho obtained her MSc (TUNI) for the dissertation Modelling the Spread of Cyclotron Exhausts (2022). Emmi Peltola obtained her MSc (TUNI) for the dissertation Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of Acuros BV Algorithm for Brachytherapy (2022). Jean de Bruin Jordaan obtained his MSc (Wits) for the dissertation Effect of ultrasound on the hydrophobicity of microparticles (2022). Malavika Nathan obtained her MSc (Wits) for the dissertation Ultrasonic blood fractionation: whole blood behaviour in an ultrasonic field (2020). Charl Smalberger obtained his MSc (Wits) for the dissertation Ultrasound-assisted cell eradication (2020). |