Exhibition: Envisioning climate emotions 7.5.–19.5. 2024

Experiencing climate change can often be indeterminate and amorphous: ambivalent feelings mixed together, some of which have no name. Images have role in understanding and experiencing the climate crisis, but media representations of climate change have often included catastrophe images, where bodily experience is not present. The Envisioning climate emotions -exhibition illuminates various bodily experiences of climate change through documentary photography and video pieces. The works cover issues from embodiment and emotions in civic activism to human emotional connections to fossil fuels.

Envisioning climate emotions (Kuvitetut ilmastotunteet) is the concluding exhibition of a research project by Niina Uusitalo. The project studied how social media users visualise climate change emotions and it also explored the wider aesthetics of climate change. The Envisioning climate change -research project (2019–2023) was funded by Kone Foundation.

Exhibition: Envisioning climate emotions
By: Niina Uusitalo
Place: Aulagalleria, Kulttuuritalo Laikku (Keskustori 4, Tampere, Finland)
Time: 7.5.–19.5. 2024

Photo credit: Niina Uusitalo