Intensive course: Visuality, Culture, and Methods, May 6–10 at University of Tallinn

Exploring visual cultures, when you can’t really trust your eyes. The 2024 edition of Visuality, Culture, and Methods, in collaboration with the TRAVIS project – a week-long intensive course, at University of Tallinn, Estonia.

Content of the School

How do we study and conceptualize visual cultures and phenomena, when everyday life continues to be platformed and networked, online experiences are increasingly multimodal and visual, and generative AI adds new complexities to already sophisticated photo and video editing practices? As the world shifts further away from the idea that photos are proof of real events, how should visual studies shift?

This PhD school focuses on conceptual premises informing visual culture studies, and dives into interpretive epistemologies, innovative qualitative research, and creative analytic techniques to explore the intersections of visuality, authenticity, trust, and intimacy in digitally-saturated social contexts. Participants learn from world class experts, hands-on experiments and each other.

The course is suitable for any level of researcher, particularly targeting PhD candidates and postdocs (under special circumstances, advanced masters level students will be considered).

Dates: May 6–10, 2024
Location: Tallinn University, Estonia

Led by: Katrin Tiidenberg, Annette Markham, Gillian Rose, Maria Schreiber, and Asko Lehmuskallio