Expatriate Childhood: Children's Experiences of Temporary Migration

This ethnographic study investigates 8-15-year old expatriate children in Finland. The study asks how the children experience their lifestyle that includes frequent transnational mobility. What kind of lives do they lead? How do they negotiate their identities and place within the current system of nation states? The project investigates the children’s lives and views, develops theory on transnational mobility and child migration, and produces information for policy-makers, teachers, expatriate families and children.

The project combines ethnographic participant observation and interviews with visual data produced together with the children. The visual data includes children’s drawings, photos and videos taken by the children as well as photos taken by the researcher and an ethnographic film done by the researcher.

Persons involved:

Mari Korpela
Academy Research Fellow (social anthropology)
Tampere University
mari.korpela [at] tuni.fi

Funding: Academy of Finland

Duration of the project: 2019–2024