Pilot project with Trialwell Oy

Well AI

AI Hub Tampere offers local SMEs the opportunity to conduct five-day pilot project operations that lay the groundwork for build-up towards bigger goals, funding, and further development. One of the first pilot projects in 2020 was realised with Trialwell Oy.

One of AI Hub Tampere’s first moves in 2020 has been a pilot project with Trialwell Oy. Trialwell Oy is building a product called TrialWell, and AI will be a crucial part of TW’s digital platform. This project has involved pre-testing with both supervised and unsupervised machine learning in the context of natural language processing. The purpose was to find suitable candidates for clinical trials of  health and wellbeing and preventative medicine, to design additional auto-generated questions for the users, and to find other applicable uses for the data. This smart technology pilot has built solid ground for further development in the future.

Well AI

If you would like to try something similar, please book a meeting with us through e-mail.