AI Hub Interview: Saeed Bakhshi Germi on AI and safety

Saeed Bakhshi Germi

Saeed Bakshi Germi is currently working on AI in safety-critical applications at Tampere University. Saeed started in 2019 with a background in robotics and electronics. He thinks waiting for computational processes is time well spent on the good purpose of maintaining AI safety. Personally, Saeed is interested in human cybernetics, and sometimes plays video games in his free time.

  How did you end up in your current studies? 

Funny story. I think I have one of the most irrelevant backgrounds in the whole computer science department. I started with a bachelor’s in electrical engineering, focusing on instrumentations and computer hardware design. During this time, I got interested in robotics and had a chance to join the robotics team of our university. After working with them, I realized that robotics is super cool! So, I continued with getting a masters in robotics.

Robotics is cool, so let’s continue with robotics

During my studies, I had courses on machine vision and machine learning. I immediately knew that I wanted to continue artificial intelligence specifically, since it was the most challenging part of robotics for me. So, I decided to apply for computer vision and machine learning related positions and with a bit of luck I managed to get into the current position.

When you say that robotics is cool, what do you mean?

The technology is new, but there are a lot of things to consider in robotics. Because I came from the background of electrical engineering, I knew the electrical engineering stuff, but I had no clue the role of mechanics, like the effects of weight distribution on balance. Moreover, I had faint ideas on algorithms and behavior programing for navigation and controlling a robot. These days, there are lots of educational toys, like Lego bricks, to help people understand these concepts easily. Plus, they’re super fun to play with.

I think it’s fun to experiment and see the results of your learning with such tools, and it helps people during the progress.

Where do you find the most interesting development in science? 

Probably anything related to making an artificial human body. Either synthetic limbs, organs, or even a map of brain!

Can we make a human brain somehow? Can we upload our consciousness on a computer?

What have you been up to in 2021?