AI Hub Tampere in 2019: Image Gallery


Ai Hub Tampere is celebrating its 1st anniversary. During its first year in operation, AI Hub Tampere has seen many workshops, events and group visits.

AI Hub Tampere has cooperated with many groups and companies, and networked with many new people at various events during the first year of the project. Here are some photos from the groups we hosted and the events we visited in 2019.

AI Hub’s Roel Pieters and Aparajita Chowdhury visited Manufacturing Performance Days with Pepper the robot in June.

Ritva Savonsaari of AI Hub Tampere took a test drive on Oslo’s self-driving buses and interviewed various Finnish and Scandinavian automated driver companies in July.

Tutkijoiden yö

NAO the robot was giving its best shots at detecting the faces and guessing the visitors’ age at AI Hub Tampere’s booth at the Night of the Researchers (Tutkijoiden yö) in September.


A group from Cargotec visited AI Hub Tampere in early October.


Ahtinen at Rajapinta Meetup

Aino Ahtinen of AI Hub Tampere presented some material on social robotics at Rajapinta Meetup in late October.


A group from TAMK UAS visited AI Hub Tampere and some of Hervanta’s technical labs in November.