Coming up: Lidar Demo Days

FIMA and AI Hub Tampere compare the newest lidar technologies on a test track in Hervanta in October 2019.

AI Hub Tampere is working in close cooperation with FIMA Forum for Intelligent Machines ry in organizing Lidar Demo Days in early October. During October 9th and 10th, there will be three open demos on 4-5 different lidars. The main target is to compare solid state lidar with other types.

Solid state lidars contain no mobile parts. This is the newest and the most robust technology, and they provide a secure lidar solution at a reasonable price. FIMA has invited some representatives from XenomatiX (BE) to demo their new device.

The purpose of the Demo Days is, firstly, to test the lidars in realistic field conditions. Instead of the usual road conditions that are often used when testing autonomous vehicles, the FIMA test track will feature obstacles such as people, fences, and piles of sand.

Secondly, the Demo Days offers a chance to see first-hand how the test device performs, and how the user interface output looks like. Overall, the Demo Days is a great experience, and a unique chance to see the newest LiDAR technology in a realistic use scenario.

AI Hub representative, Associate Professor Reza Ghabceloo will provide AI analytics on the test results. He and his team will examine the algorithms and how applicable they are to intelligent machines working in real-life environments.

If you would like to have more information about FIMA, or attend the Test Days event, please contact Antti Siren (a)