Ethical questions and issues related to the design, development and use of AI technologies have become one of the most discussed topics in technology development in the 21st century. These issues range from lack of transparency to privacy risks and environmental sustainability in AI. But how can companies identify and assess ethical issues related to their products and services? And how can these issues be addressed? This workshop sheds light on these questions through concrete examples and searches ways forward with the participants.
We encourage participating companies to present their own use-cases in the workshop. There are two brief time slots (2 x 15 min) reserved for volunteers interested in presenting and discussing their own products, services or specific use-cases with the hosts and participants. This is a great opportunity to discuss relevant questions with the researchers and participants. We have reserved time for all participants to discuss themes relevant to their applications in group-discussions, however.
If you would like to present your own use-case for workshop participants, please contact Otto Sahlgren ( by 1st of December at the latest.
Program and schedule, Dec 4th
9.00–9.15 Welcome, introductions and program Arto Laitinen & Kaisa Väänänen
9.15–9.30 Demo: Privacy-preserving person re-identification Heikki Huttunen
9.30–10.00 Discussion: Privacy and AI Facilitators and participants
10.00–10.45 Discussion: Use-cases and approaches to AI ethics Facilitators and participants
10.45–11.00 Break
11.00–11.45 Use-cases by participating companies and discussion Participating companies
11.45–12.00 Wrap-up and future directions Facilitators