
CAST promotes the broader use of quantitative methods within the versatile research studies at Tampere University. We implement this through courses, research collaboration, and consultancy for researchers.

CAST supports co-operation in quantitative methods with other universities and research institutes. We promote national and international collaboration between statistics and data analytics specialists by providing multidisciplinary research visits, workshops, and seminars. Also, we support research collaboration, writing joint research publications and creating shared project applications. We encourage involving statistical expertise right in the planning phase of a research project.

The tools and methods are selected based on the research goals and the available data which may be collected with varying frequencies starting from only once to real-time. The size of the data depends on the research project. Structured or unstructured research data may be collected, for example, from a survey, an empirical observation, a register data, web, or an Internet of Things (IoT) type of source. Data from multiple sources may be combined to get valuable insights into the real world. Different kinds of methods are available for graphical visualization, data mining, analysis, modelling, and prediction.

Research collaboration

Research collaboration consists of data analysis support related to master’s or doctoral thesis and research projects. Contact Jarkko Isotalo for more information about research collaboration possibilities.

Visiting scholars

CAST is geographically located at Tampere University but it has an international presence. We have a program for visiting scholars at CAST to strengthen scientific collaboration and to promote M.Sc. and Ph.D. training in applied statistics and data analysis.

Mohammad Kazemi, Iran, 03–08/2018

Timothy O’Brien, United States, 05–06/2018

Recent research articles

Further remarks on permissible covariance structures for simultaneous retention of BLUEs in linear models. Haslett, S. J., Isotalo, J., Markiewicz, A. & Puntanen, S., 30 May 2023, In: ACTA ET COMMENTATIONES UNIVERSITATIS TARTUENSIS DE MATHEMATICA. 27, 1, p. 101-112, 12 p.

Intranasal as needed naloxone in the treatment of gambling disorder: A randomised controlled trial. Alho, H., Mäkelä, N., Isotalo, J., Toivonen, L., Ollikainen, J. & Castrén, S., Feb 2022, In: ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS. 125, 107127.

Replacing dietary animal-source proteins with plant-source proteins changes dietary intake and status of vitamins and minerals in healthy adults: a 12-week randomized controlled trial. Pellinen, T., Päivärinta, E., Isotalo, J., Lehtovirta, M., Itkonen, S. T., Korkalo, L., Erkkola, M. & Pajari, A. M., 2022, In: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION. 61, 3, p. 1391–1404, 14 p.

Reho, T., Atkins, S., Korhonen, M., Siukola, A., Sumanen, M.,Viljamaa, M., Uitti, J., Sauni, R. Sociodemographic characteristics and disability pensions of frequent attenders in occupational health primary care: a follow-up study in Finland. BMC Public Health 21, 1847 (2021).

Reho, TTM., Atkins, S., Korhonen, M., Siukola, A., Sumanen, M.,Viljamaa, M., Uitti, J., Sauni, R. Parallel use of primary and secondary healthcare by frequent attenders in occupational health and their work disability: a longitudinal study in FinlandBMJ Open 2022;12:e052740. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052740

Reho, T., Atkins, S., Korhonen, M., Siukola, A., Viljamaa, M., Sumanen, M., Uitti, J., Sauni, R. Occupational health patients? parallel use of primary- and secondary-care services and linkage to work disability: A follow-up study in Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 2022;0(0). doi:10.1177/14034948221130438

Risk factors in adolescence as predictors of trajectories of somatic symptoms over 27 years. / Nummi, Tapio; Berg, Noora; Bean, Christopher G et al. In: European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 32, No. 5, 29.07.2022, p. 696-702.

Growth curve mixture models with unknown covariance structures. / Pan, Yating; Fei, Yu; Ni, Mingming et al. In: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 188, 104904, 03.2022.

Mixture regression for longitudinal data based on joint mean-covariance model. / Yu, Jing; Nummi, Tapio; Pan, Jianxin. In: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 190, 05.02.2022, p. 1-18.

Advancing Railway Asset Management Using Track Geometry Deterioration Modeling Visualization. / Sauni, Mikko; Luomala, Heikki; Kolisoja, Pauli et al. In: Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems, Vol. 148, No. 2, e0000626, 01.02.2022.

Are the Early Leavers the Lucky Ones? / Virtanen, Pekka; Jolkkonen, Arja; Koistinen, Pertti et al. In: Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1, 03.2021, p. 23-43.

Some Models and Their Extensions for Longitudinal Analyses. / Nummi, Tapio. Data Science and SDGs : Challenges, Opportunities and Realities. ed. / Bikas Sinha; Nurul Haque Mollah. Springer, 2021. p. 15-30.

The risk of under-insurance in the Finnish statutory pension scheme for self-employed workers: A trajectory analysis. / Salonen, Janne; Koskinen, Lasse; Nummi, Tapio. In: INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY REVIEW, Vol. 73, No. 4, 08.12.2020, p. 25-48.

Environmental self-regulation in favourite places of Finnish and Hungarian adults. / Korpela, Kalevi; Korhonen, Mikko; Nummi, Tapio et al. In: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 67, 101384, 2020.

The diversity of transitions during early adulthood in the Finnish labour market. / Saloniemi, Antti; Salonen, Janne; Nummi, Tapio et al. In: Journal of Youth Studies, 2020.

Finite Mixture Modelling of Survival Data: With Applications to Pensioner Lifetime. / Möttönen, Jyrki; Salonen, Janne; Nummi, Tapio et al. In: Statistics and Applications, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2020, p. 333-351.