Head of the board

Pami Aalto
- Professor
- Jean Monnet Professor, International Relations (specifically European integration and Regional Cooperation)
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
- +358503185952
- pami.aalto@tuni.fi
About me
Pami Aalto works at the interface of European integration, international relations and political economy, specialising on energy policy issues. His main interest is in interdisciplinary work on energy transitions and energy issues in general, as well as international environmental governance, where alongside scholarly work he also seeks to engage with the business, public administration and NGO sectors.
Jean Monnet Professor in International Relations in the Politics programme
PI, Research platform on Climate Neutral Energy Systems and Society CNESS, https://research.tuni.fi/cness/.
PI, Tampere university profiling area 'Sustainable Security Practices' (2023-25)
Field of expertise
He has worked on all major sources of energy and components of the energy system and has interests in interdisciplinary studies of energy transitions and international environmental governance alongside energy geopolitics and great power relations. The bulk of the work has revolved on the European, Nordic, Baltic, Arctic, Eurasian and East Asian regions.
Research topics
Energy transition and energy security (USA, EU, the Nordic countries including Finland, Germany, Japan, East Asia); Russian and Arctic energy policies, geopolitics of hydrogen, security of critical energy infrastructure, black carbon governance
Research unit
Research platform 'Climate Neutral Energy Systems and Society' (CNESS), <https://research.tuni.fi/cness/> & Tampere Centre for Security, Risk and Resilience (TASERR), https://www.tuni.fi/en/research/tampere-centre-security-risk-and-resilience-taserr>
Research fields
International Relations, energy research, policy research
Professor Aalto has worked as a visiting researcher in Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Japan, Russia, and as a doctoral student, in the UK.
Aalto develops new approaches to energy policy research such as the structuration approach, contributes to institutionalist literature and seeks to build paths for an interdisciplinary synthesis in the field of energy research, in order to find solutions applicable to the ongoing energy transition. This incluces also the security dimensions of the transition.
Aalto, P., Claydon, A. (2024) ‘The politics of knowledge in black carbon mitigation: Policy entrepreneurship of Finnish actors and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition’, Environmental Science and Policy 161, 103881. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2024.103881
Aalto, P. (2021, ed.) Electrification: Accelerating the Energy Transition. Amsterdam: Academic Press/Elsevier.
Kotilainen, K., Aalto, P., Rautiainen, A., Kojo, M., Valta, J., Sovacool, B. (2019) ’From national lock-in to policy mixes for Nordic electric mobility: What can we learn to accelerate future transitions?’, Policy Sciences 52: 573-600. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11077-019-09361-3
Kilpeläinen, S., Aalto, P., Lehtonen, P., Toivanen, P. and Holttinen, H. (2019) ’How to Achieve a More Resource Efficient and Climate Neutral Electric Energy System by 2030: Views of Nordic Experts’, Review of Policy Research. DOI: 10.1111/ropr.12347
Pääkkönen, A., Aro, K., Aalto, P., Konttinen, J., Kojo, M. (2019) ’The potential of biomethane in replacing fossil fuels in heavy transport – A case study on Finland’, Sustainability 11 (17), 4750, 1-19. doi.org/10.3390/su11174750.
Aalto, P., Nyyssönen, H., Kojo, M. and Pal, P. (2017) ‘Russian nuclear energy diplomacy in Finland and Hungary’, Eurasian Geography and Economics 58(4): 386-417 (doi: 10.1080/15387216.2017.1396905)
Lehtonen, P., Aalto, P. (2017) ‘Smart and Secure Borders through Automated Border Control Systems in the EU? The Views of Political Stakeholders in the Member States’, European Security 26(2): 207-25. (doi: 10.1080/09662839.2016.1276057).
Aalto, P. (2016) ‘Modernisation of the Russian Energy Sector: Constraints to Utilising Arctic Offshore Oil Resources’, Europe-Asia Studies 68(1): 38-63. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2015.1113509).
Aalto, P. (2014) ‘Institutions in European and Asian Energy Markets: A Methodological Overview’, Energy Policy 74: 4-15 (doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2014.08.022)
Aalto, P. (2014) ‘Energy Market Integration and Regional Institutions in East Asia’, Energy Policy 74: 91-100 (doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2014.08.021)
Aalto, P., Dusseault, D., Kennedy, M.D. and Kivinen, M. (2014) ‘Russia’s Energy Relations in the East and West: Towards a Social Structurationist Approach to Energy Policy Formation’, Journal of International Relations and Development 17(1): 1-29 (doi:10.1057/jird.2012.29).
Aalto, P., Korkmaz Temel, D. (2014) ‘European Energy Security: Natural Gas and the Integration Process’, Journal of Common Market Studies 52(4): 758-74 (doi: 10.1111/jcms.12108).
Aalto, P. (2012, ed.) Russia’s Energy Policies: National, Interregional and Global Levels. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Aalto, P., Harle, V., Moisio, S. (2012, eds.) Global and Regional Problems: towards Interdisciplinary Study. Farnham: Ashgate (re-published by Routledge 2016).
Aalto, P., Harle, V. and Moisio, S. (2011, eds.) International Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Aalto, P., Blakkisrud, H., Smith, H. (2008, eds.) The New Northern Dimension of European Neighbourhood. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies.
Aalto, P. (2007, ed.) The EU—Russia Energy Dialogue: Europe’s Future Energy Security. Aldershot: Ashgate/Routledge republished 2016.
Aalto, P. (2006) European Union and the Making of a Wider Northern Europe. London: Routledge.
Aalto, P. (2003) Constructing Post-Soviet Geopolitics in Estonia. London: Frank Cass/Routledge.
Aalto, P., Dalby, S., Harle, V. (2003, eds.) ‘The Critical Geopolitics of Northern Europe: Identity Politics Unlimited’, special issue of Geopolitics 8(1).
Board members

Pertti Järventausta
- Professor
- sähkövoimatekniikka
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358405492384
- pertti.jarventausta@tuni.fi

Topi Rönkkö
- Professor
- aerosolifysiikka
- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358401981019
- topi.ronkko@tuni.fi
About me
I am a professor of aerosol physics and a leader of the research group which focuses on experimental research related to particle emissions and air quality. By means of our research, we aim at understanding of the formation of particle emissions, their transformation in the atmosphere, and their effects on air quality, human health and climate. We see that this information and knowledge is crucial when minimizing the anthropogenic air quality and climate effects.

Matti Vilkko
- Professor
- head of unit
- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358408332830
- matti.vilkko@tuni.fi
About me
I am professor in control engineering. My research area is industrial processes and operational processes related to them. My research is based on control theory and application of it in my research area. The methods I apply are:
- modelling of dynamic processes, more specifically, creating mathematical models on the basis of first principles and using measurement knowledge,
- the methods of controltheory for estimating the states and parameters of controlled processes using measurement data from processes, and
- methods of control and optimization theories for designing and implementing control solutions using measurement data and state estimates.
I am the head of the Automation and Mechanical Engineering Unit.
Room. K2232
Activated sludge model no. 1 calibration for a paper mill wastewater treatment plant in Finland
Ahmed, H. & Vilkko, M., 2024, julkaisussa: Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering. 9, 100610.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
A Normal Behavior Model Based on Machine Learning for Wind Turbine Cyber-Attack Detection
Wu, H., Badihi, H., Xue, Y. & Vilkko, M., 2024, 2024 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Energy Transformation, AIE 2024. IEEE, (2024 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Energy Transformation, AIE 2024).Tutkimustuotos: Konferenssiartikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Evaluating Performance of Hierarchical Scheduling Frameworks for Varying Matte Grades in Copper Smelting Process
Ahmed, H. & Vilkko, M., tammik. 2024, julkaisussa: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 53, s. 1561-1566 6 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Extension of paperboard modelling with Föppl-von Kármán terms for improved stress state under suction pressure
Salo, M., Jokinen, J., Vilkko, M. & Kanerva, M., 2024, julkaisussa: Rakenteiden mekaniikka. 57, 3, s. 80-98 19 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Impacts of EU Regulation on Green Hydrogen Production and Storage Capacity Design and Operation
Majanne, Y., Vilhonen, V., Repo, S. & Vilkko, M., 1 heinäk. 2024, 12th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems - CPES 2024: Rabat, Morocco, July 10-12, 2024. 13 toim. IFAC, Vuosikerta 58. s. 745-750 6 Sivumäärä (IFAC-PapersOnLine).Tutkimustuotos: Konferenssiartikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Integration of Power to X Economy in Existing Energy System - Case Finland
Majanne, Y., Vilhonen, V., Virtanen, A., Repo, S. & Vilkko, M., 1 heinäk. 2024, 12th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems - CPES 2024: Rabat, Morocco, July 10-12, 2024. 13 toim. IFAC, Vuosikerta 58. s. 739-744 6 Sivumäärä (IFAC-PapersOnLine).Tutkimustuotos: Konferenssiartikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Activated Sludge Model No. 1 Calibration and Data Analysis for a Paper Mill Wastewater Treatment Plant
Ahmed, H., Pörhö, H., Toivonen, E., Räsänen, E., Tomperi, J. & Vilkko, M., 30 kesäk. 2023.Tutkimustuotos: Posteri › Tieteellinen
Activated Sludge Model No. 1 Calibration for a Paper Mill Wastewater Treatment Plant
Ahmed, H. & Vilkko, M., 11 syysk. 2023.Tutkimustuotos: Posteri › Tieteellinen
Communication Approach and Framework for Distributed Path Planning Optimization of Industrial Vehicles
Kannisto, P., Juntunen, T., Heikkilä, R., Vilkko, M. & Hästbacka, D., 2023, Automaatiopäivät 2023: Extended Abstracts. Suomen AutomaatioseuraTutkimustuotos: Konferenssiartikkeli › Ammatillinen
Coordination strategy based on hard-heuristics and price-updating scheme for copper smelting process
Ahmed, H. & Vilkko, M., toukok. 2023, julkaisussa: Computers and Chemical Engineering. 173, 108198.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu

Jukka Konttinen
- Professor
- biojalostuksen kemia
- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358400247445
- jukka.konttinen@tuni.fi
About me
Biorefining via thermochemical conversion of solid fuels (gasification, pyrolysis, hydrothermal liquefaction, combustion and related environmental technologies), hybrid energy production in distributed scale (solid biofuels, biogas, liquid biofuels, solar). Chemical process engineering, research & development & design, modelling and simulation of chemical processes, experimental research of processes in different scales (from laboratory to commercial scale ), preparation of research & development projects, their accomplishment and coordination.
Research unit
Bio and Circular Economy
Research career
• Since 2014 Tampere University of Technology (Tampere University from 2019), Professor, Chemistry of Biorefining and in 2017-2018 Head of Laboratory of Chemistry and Bioengineering.
• 2009 – 2014 University of Jyväskylä, Professor, Renewable Energy.
• 2007-2008 Andritz Oy/Carbona Oy, Research Director
• 1999-2006 Åbo Akademi University, Senior Researcher
• 1998 D. Sc. (Chem Eng.) Åbo Akademi University
Supervisor or instructor in Ph.D. Theses (10 completed, 3 in progress): Bajamundi Cyril: Academic Dissertation in May, 2015. Kramb Jason: January, 2017. Keipi Tiina: December, 2017. Doppaneni Tharak: April 2018. Lampio Kaj: August 2018. Pääkkönen Anna: December 2019. Bhatnagar Anubhuti: September 2022, Niemelä Niko: April 2022, Abhishek Singhal: May 2023. Kanellis Georgios: 2012 – 2024, Losoi, Pauli: 2018-2023. Avishek Goel 2021 – 2025, Babak Arjmand 2022 – 2026. Also supervisor in 70 Master's Theses and 25 Bachelor's Theses.
Supervisor of Best Academic Dissertation (Tiina Keipi), awarded in 2019 both by Tampere University and Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK.
Since 2010: Pre-examiner or opponent in 15 academic dissertations, also external reviewer of 7 academic professorship/expert positions.
Years 1999 – 2006 and 2009-2012: Carbona Inc. as part-time Consultant. Key merit: Successful process design related with a 20 MW Skive gasification CHP plant in Skive, Denmark. Years 1992- 1995: Enviropower Inc., Research engineer: Succesful pilot-scale demonstration of a renegenative sulfur removal process.
• Singhal A., Roslander C., Goel A., Ismailov A., Erdei B., Wallberg O., Konttinen J., Joronen T. (2024): Combined leaching and steam explosion pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass for high quality feedstock for thermochemical applications. Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 489, 1 June 2024, 151298. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2024.151298
• Losoi P., Konttinen J., Santala V. (2022): Substantial gradient mitigation in simulated large-scale bioreactors by optimally placed multiple feed points. Accepted for publication in Biotechnology and Bioengineering. https://doi.org/10.1002/bit.28232
• Bhatnagar, A., Khatri, P., Krzywonos, M., Tolvanen, H. & Konttinen, J. (2022): Techno-economic and environmental assessment of decentralized pyrolysis for crop residue management: Rice and wheat cultivation system in India. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 367. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.132998
• Goel A., Moghaddam E. M., Liu W., He C., Konttinen J. (2022), Biomass chemical looping gasification for high-quality syngas: A critical review and technological outlooks. Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 268, 15 September 2022, 116020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2022.116020
• Lappalainen J., Baudouin D., Hornung U., Schuler J., Melin K., Bjelić S., Vogel F., Konttinen J. and Joronen T. (2020): Sub- and Supercritical Water Liquefaction of Kraft Lignin and Black Liquor Derived Lignin. Energies, 13(13), 3309. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13133309
• Doddapaneni T., Ramasamy P., Tolvanen H., Rintala J., Konttinen J. (2018): Techno-economic evaluation of integrating torrefaction with anaerobic digestion. Applied Energy Volume 213 (March), pp.272–284. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.01.045
• Keipi T., Li T., Løvås L.T, Tolvanen H., Konttinen J. (2017): methane thermal decomposition in regenerative heat exchanger reactor: Experimental and modelingstudy. Energy. Energy 135 (September), pp. 823-832. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2017.06.176
• Kramb, J., Konttinen, J.T., Gomez-Barea, A., Moilanen, A., Umeki, K. (2014) Modeling biomass char gasification kinetics for improving prediction of carbon conversion in a fluidized bed gasifier. Fuel 132 (September), pp. 107–115. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2014.04.014
• Konttinen J., Backman R., Hupa M., Moilanen A., Kurkela E., (2013) Trace element behaviour in the fluidized bed gasification of solid recovered fuels – A thermodynamic study. Fuel 106 (April), pp. 621–631. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2012.10.009
• Konttinen, J.; Zevenhoven, C.A.P.; Hupa M.M. (1997): Hot Gas Desulfurization with Zinc Titanate Sorbents in a Fluidized Bed. 2. Reactor Model. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 36 (6), pp. 2340-2345.
• Konttinen, J. T.; Salo, K.; Ghazanfari, R.; Feher, G.; Lehtovaara, A.; Mojtahedi, W.: Pilot Scale Experience on IGCC Hot Gas Cleanup. In: Proceedings of the Advanced Coal-Fired Power Systems '95 Review Meeting, Volume 1. June 1995. U. S. Department of Energy, Morgantown Energy Technology Center. Morgantown, WV, USA, 1995.
Juha Vinha
- Professor
- rakennusfysiikka
- Faculty of Built Environment
- Tampere University
- +358408490296
- juha.vinha@tuni.fi

Ulla Saari
- Associate Professor
- Industrial product and service systems
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
- +358503015526
- ulla.saari@tuni.fi

Sami Repo
- Professor
- Älykkäät sähköverkot.
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358408490454
- sami.repo@tuni.fi
Field of expertise
Active distribution grid management, Integration of distributed energy resources, Distribution automation, Voltage control, Hardware and software in-the-loop testing, Stochastic planning of distribution grids, Local flexibility markets, Market-based congestion management, Power system impacts of hydrogen economy, Energy supply and delivery for electrified mobile working machines, Energy flexibility services from industrial processes

Kari Systä
- Professor
- Software Engineering
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
- kari.systa@tuni.fi
Based on agreement - or when the door of my office (TF114) is open. I have returned to campus and seldom work from home.
Primary way of contacting: email. - https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7371-0773
About me
Software, software engineeting and computer science enthusiastic since 1980. I'm nterested both in research and practise.
My own teaching for 2022-2024 includes
- Course COMP.SE.140 Continuous Development and Deployment - DevOps
- Several Master Theses
A also look after
- The study modules of Software Engineering and Web&Cloud
- Software Engineering
Field of expertise
My main expertise areas are
- Theory and practice of software engineering.
- Web, edge and cloud software.
Phases of my career
- 1980-1985: Master studies and part-time teaching in Tampere University of technology
- 1985-1995: Various research projects, teaching tasks and PhD studies in Tampere University of technology
- 1995-2011: Several research and management roles in Nokia corporation
- 2012- : Professor of software engineering in Tampere University
Research topics
My current research topics & interests are
- Data driven software engineering: how the data collected from software and its decision process can be used for more efficient development and better decision making.
- Web as an application platform.
- Software architectures for open IoT systems.
- Advanced software solutions for modern energy systems.
- Programmable world and edge computing.
Research unit
TASE - https://research.tuni.fi/tase/
Current projects
LiquidAI (2023-2025)
- A BF funded project to develop Liquid Software for highly connected IoT-Edge-Cloud continuum. Compared to past efforts on Liquid Software, we in LiquidAI we consider Machine Learning components, too. This is a collaborative effort with University of Jyväskylä.
6GSoft (2023-2026)
A BF-funded project to address the following challenges: "Developing and managing 5G and especially 6G software will demand totally new software development methods, tools, processes, and architectures. We need novel industry-scale software engineering to support the integrated development of heterogeneous systems that include software platforms, cloud, big data, AI, edge, IoT, and quantum computing. The number of connected devices will explode, and they all have software. They range from micro-level devices with very limited processing capability to larger connected devices with strong processing power and large applications in the cloud. Different parts of the distributed systems are owned and managed by various stakeholders. Current architectures, orchestration, and scalability methods and tools are not capable of supporting such complex, heterogeneous, and highly distributed 6G software systems. In addition, the application of current technologies will create a very high energy overhead, due to the lack of optimization for such a large number of connected devices."
This is a collaboration project with University of Oulu, LUT University and University of Jyväskylä.
Microblock (2021-2023)
- An EU-funded multi-disciplinary project to investigate use blockchain-based micro-credentials for study credits. For further informations see: https://www.tuni.fi/en/research/microblock-advancing-exchange-micro-credentials-ebsi-0
DELI (2023-2025)
- A cross-disciplinary infrastructure (FIRI - Academy of Finland) project to build platforms and tools for energy researchj.
Recently ended projects
- VISDOM is an international Eureka/ITEA3 project that develops new types of visualisations for software development. We concentrate visualisations that are based on data from several tools and our special focus is in DevOps-type projects. For further information, see the project-wide web-page: iteavisdom.org .
- CityIoT vendor independent IoT platform for smart cities: For more information see https://pervasive.cs.tut.fi/?p=2820 and https://www.cityiot.fi/english/
- ProcemPlus whose main objective of ProCemPlus project is to study the formation of individual energy communities into broader business-oriented energy ecosystems through several research themes and concrete pilot-cases related to the development of energy communities, and to analyze the role of microgrids and energy communities in the future energy ecosystem. The role of our team is related to design of the required information system and related software/platform economy. For more information see information about the earlier Procem-project and web-page of this new ProcemPlus project .
See, google scholar and similar places for the academic publications.
Together with my colleagues from the other universities in Finland we wrote a report (with recommendations) about software in Finland. See: https://www.alliedict.fi/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/AIF-2023_Ohjelmistot-Suomessa-korkeakoulukorjaus-1.pdf (in Finnish)
Pertti Alasuutari
- Emeritus Professor
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358504211053
- pertti.alasuutari@tuni.fi
By appointment.
- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4111-9641
- CV:
About me
I am interested in the global system, especially in the global travel of ideas and in governance through epistemic means both in national and global contexts. I have also had a long-term interest in social research methodology, especially qualitative research.
I am professor of sociology and research director of the Tampere Centre for Knowledge, Science, Technology and Innovation Studies (TaSTI). Within TaSTI, I lead the Tampere Research Group for Cultural and Political Sociology (TCuPS), an energetic group of scholars who share my interest in world society, national policymaking, global circulation of ideas, epistemic governance, and sociology of knowledge.
Field of expertise
My areas of specialization are global studies, social and cultural theory, and methodology of social research.
Research unit
Tampere Research Group for Cultural and Political Sociology (TCuPS)
Research fields
See more about my research interests in our research team's home page: Tampere Research Group for Cultural and Political Sociology (TCuPS)
Research career
2016-2020 Academy of Finland, Epistemic capital in the synchronization of national policies; large scale research project
2014-2018 Epistemic governance in policymaking; large scale research project
2014-2016 Kone Foundation: Synchronization of national policies; small scale research project
2009-2013 Academy of Finland, The Moderns; large scale research project
2009-2012 Academy of Finland, Domestication of Ubiquitous Communication
2006-2009 Academy of Finland, Knowledge Production, Power, and Global Social Change
2000-2004 Tekes, Alma Media & Stora Enso, Media and Everyday Life
2001-2002 Academy of Finland, The Cultural Unconscious
1996-2002 Academy of Finland, The Habitus Research Project
1997-1999 Sitra, National Culture and Identity; part of Sitra’s Globalization, Welfare and Employment project
Chair of the board of the Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies
Recent select publications
Ulybina, Olga, Laia Pi Ferrer & Pertti Alasuutari: “Intergovernmental organizations in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic: Organizational behaviour in crises and under uncertainty”. International Sociology 37(4), 2022, 415–438. DOI https://doi.org/10.1177/02685809221094687
Qadir, Ali & Pertti Alasuutari: ”The Discursive Side of Sociological Institutionalism in the Study of Religion”. Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 2022: 1-23, DOI https://doi.org/10.1163/15700682-bja10075
Alasuutari, Pertti & Ali Qadir: Epistemic Governance: Social change in the modern world . London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2019.
Alasuutari, Pertti & Valtteri Vähä-Savo: Owning worldwide principles: The case of American exceptionalism. Social Science Information 57 (4), 2018, 533–552.
Pi Ferrer, Laia, Pertti Alasuutari & Leena Tervonen-Gonçalves: Looking at others in national policy-making: the construction of reference groups in Portugal and Spain from 2008 to 2013. European Politics and Society 20 (3), 2018, 333–347.
Alasuutari, Pertti, Marjaana Rautalin & Jukka Tyrkkö: The rise of the idea of model in policymaking: The case of the British parliament, 1803–2005. European Journal of Sociology 59 (3), 2018, 341-363.
Alasuutari, Pertti: Authority as epistemic capital. Journal of Political Power 11 (2), 2018, 165-190.
Wang, Li & Pertti Alasuutari: Co-construction of the tourist experience in social networking sites: Two forms of authenticity intertwined. Tourist Studies 17 (4), 2017, 388–405.
Alasuutari, Pertti: The Synchronization of National Policies: Ethnography of the Global Tribe of Moderns. London: Routledge 2016.
Alasuutari, Pertti & Ali Qadir: Imageries of the social world in epistemic governance. International Sociology 31 (6), 2016, 633-652.
Alasuutari, Pertti: The Discursive Side of New Institutionalism. Cultural Sociology 9 (2) 2015, 162–184.
Alasuutari, Pertti: Following the Example of Other Countries? Policy Analysis of New Legislation in Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 16 (3) 2014, 266-279.
Alasuutari, Pertti and Ali Qadir: Epistemic governance: an approach to the politics of policy-making. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology 1, 2014, 67–84.
Representative of young and emerging scholars

Jussi Valta
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
- +358504121767
- jussi.valta@tuni.fi
CNESS Coordinator

Carl Muth
- Coordinator
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
- +358504702086
- carl.muth@tuni.fi