Electrical Energy Engineering

The electrical energy system, including production, networks and electricity use is a traditional engineering field and a basic infrastructure of modern society. As a result of the ongoing revolutionary change, it is playing an increasingly important role as the basis for various energy systems when they are electrified. Renewables energy sources have an essential role in mitigating climate change and in preventing the climate crisis. Heating, transportation and industrial processes are also increasingly electrified. The main goal of future smart grids is to enable energy- and resource-efficient and sustainable electric energy system and the market by integrating distributed intermittent renewable electricity energy generation, energy storages, electric vehicles and demand response into the entire electricity system and to function reliably as one of the society’s most critical infrastructures.
The new solutions, which are under active research and development by the Electrical Engineering Unit, are based on strong electrotechnical knowledge and its application it in the fields of electromechanics, power electronics, high voltage engineering and materials, and electrical systems and electricity market. In research projects, we actively cooperate with industry and other universities, utilizing our versatile research and laboratory environments.
The main research themes are:
  • Smart Grids
  • Power Electronics
  • Electromechanics
  • High Voltage Engineering

Ongoing projects:
Smart Grids
Power Electronics
High Voltage Engineering


Pertti Järventausta

  • Professor
  • sähkövoimatekniikka
  • Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
  • Tampere University
  • +358405492384
  • pertti.jarventausta@tuni.fi

Co-PIs & emerging PIs

Sami Repo

  • Professor
  • Älykkäät sähköverkot.
  • Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
  • Tampere University
  • +358408490454
  • sami.repo@tuni.fi
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Pekka Verho

  • Dean
  • Rakennetun ympäristön tiedekunta
  • Faculty of Built Environment
  • Tampere University
  • +358408490456
  • pekka.verho@tuni.fi

Paavo Rasilo

  • Associate Professor
  • Electromechanics
  • Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
  • Tampere University
  • +358408490409
  • paavo.rasilo@tuni.fi
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Petros Karamanakos

  • Academy Research Fellow
  • Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
  • Tampere University
  • +358504478661
  • petros.karamanakos@tuni.fi
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Kari Lahti

  • Senior Scientist
  • Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
  • Tampere University
  • +358405859805
  • kari.lahti@tuni.fi

Research staff

Tiina Salminen

Risto Mikkonen

  • Lecturer
  • teoreettinen sähkötekniikka
  • Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
  • Tampere University
  • +358405034544
  • risto.mikkonen@tuni.fi