The TAU research platform Climate Neutral Energy Systems and Society (CNESS) issues a call for seed-in projects to support larger project applications to take place in 2025.s
CNESS provides seed funding for planned projects. These can comprise pilot studies; and should probe prospects for larger project applications for significant external funding (e.g. Business Finland, Research Council of Finland, EU Horizon, or similar). The projects can include the use of external research services to acquire or compile new datasets or assign person-months for existing or otherwise recruited personnel. In particular, CNESS wishes to support projects that aim to continue the community building and multidisciplinary work that can continue the CNESS work beyond the end of its official funding period by TAU (1.8.2021-31.07.2025).
Evaluation criteria:
All applications must fall in the theme areas and aims of the CNESS and comprise interdisciplinary work to develop applications for external funding. Proposed projects should also involve new teams/combinations, and/or teams supporting diversity and emerging scholars. The research projects must be conducted at TAU but can involve cooperation with TAMK or external partners. Proposals should not be one-person projects; cannot be limited to an individual thesis project; and must involve senior scholars. All funds must be used by December 31, 2025.
Scope of funding:
We seek to fund several projects of the size of approximately 500-10,000€. The applicable expenses can, depending on the purpose, include salaried person-months, travel expenses (including daily allowances) and acquisition of services or research material. All applicants must have a doctorate and be TAU employees. Projects can include external stakeholders and can be combined with other funding support provided by Tampere University’s Preaward Team (e.g. TAU CALL 2025 to support Horizon Europe project preparation).
The free-format applications of 1-2pp should be sent to CNESS coordinator Carl Muth – carl.muth(at) (title: “CNESS call 2025”), by Friday, 14.02.2024, at 11:59 pm, in one document. Please provide a brief overview of the aims, timing and involved personnel of the project and state how it serves the above-mentioned criteria, as well as provide a preliminary budget breakdown into (i) salaries (incl. 20% personnel costs overhead), (ii) travels; (iii) services and materials. Decisions will be made by March 15, 2025, at the latest.
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