EV & Social Change

Electric vehicles and social change 1.2.2024-30.6.2025

CNESS flagship project
Project leader, professor Pertti Alasuutari, pertti.alasuutari@tuni.fi.
The Rationale of the project
Changes in society can originate in markets, technology, state regulation, or people’s ideas and practices as citizens and consumers. If successful, an innovation in one domain leads to a changed standard, which has repercussions or spillover effects in the other domains, which are constantly entwined.
The project approaches the electrification of road transport from this perspective, using Finland as a case example. However, since some of the actors involved and policies affecting them are global or European, we extend data collection beyond Europe concerning those actors and policies.
The questions asked are:
· How is electrification of road transport going to proceed in the next decade or so?
· How is it going to change society at large?
To answer or give educated guesses to those questions, we need to analyse how key players conceive of the current world, foresee the future, and adapt to it by their plans. Then, we need to theorise on what joint repercussions and spillover effects those acts will have. By drawing the big picture, we can also identify new obstacles and affordances.
Special attention will be paid to past developments in Norway, which is the leading country regarding the electrification of road transport. By getting data on related changes in different areas, one could compute a model on how different actors respond to developments at different stages and apply that to data on Finland.
More information will follow soon.

Project leader

Pertti Alasuutari

More information

Postdoctoral researcher

Ville Kumpu