CNESS kick-off event [online]

TAU´s research platform for Climate Neutral Energy Systems and Society (CNESS) invites you for the official launch event on 2.11.2021 (Tuesday) from 2:15 – 3:45 pm. Join us to learn more about the platform, what we aim to achieve, how CNESS can be useful for you and how you can contribute to our work!
The newly established Climate Neutral Energy Systems and Society (CNESS) research platform invites you to join our kick-off event to learn more about the platform, the people behind and its goals.
Date: 2.11.2021 (Tuesday) from 2:15 – 3:45 pm on ZOOM
After a short introduction from platform leader Professor Pami Aalto, different speakers will present CNESS´ key research areas:
  • Electrification of energy systems
  • Hard-to-electrify areas
  • Societal implications of the energy transition
  • Value creation and energy transition and
  • Energy policy.
In the end, we will have a Q&A session and a discussion to hear your opinion about what CNESS could do for you and how you could contribute to our work.
Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated and learn about CNESS opportunities on time!