MSc (Tech) Dhanesh Rajan has in his doctoral research developed a portable cell culturing system with a novel modular microscopy that is combined with simultaneous cardiac mechanical activity measurement, electrophysiology and chemical sensing. A new non-contact method for online pH estimation was also developed.
The doctoral dissertation of Dhanesh Rajan in the field of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering titled Modular Instrumentation for Controlling and Monitoring In-Vitro Cultivation Environment and Image-based Functionality Measurements of Human Stem Cells was publicly examined in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology at Tampere University at 12 o’clock on Wednesday 27 May 2020. The Opponent was Professor Dr. Heinzle Elmar, Saarland University, Germany. The Custos was Professor Jukka Lekkala, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology.
Due to the coronavirus situation, public defences was organized via digital platform at Tampere University.The dissertation is available online at
Doctoral dissertation of MSc(Tech) Dhanesh Rajan

Doctoral dissertation of MSc(Tech) Dhanesh Rajan