PerCard: Personalised prognostics and diagnostics for improved decision support in cardiovascular diseases
Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) account for 45% of all deaths in Europe. Eighty percent of premature heart diseases are preventable, if personal risks can be identified early. However, currently used risk models 1) do not reflect true populations, especially with regard to gender, 2) do not give sufficient consideration to the genetic backgrounds of individuals, and 3) do not use all the information available in different data sources.
PerCard combines different data with novel analysis methods (AI, machine learning, signal processing) to deliver an improved risk modelling tool. The developed methods are explainable, practical, accessible, and affordable. Development combines existing Finnish and Italian data and new-to-be-collected data in Italy. Ethical and societal aspects, including gender and accessibility to all, receive especial attention.
PerCard’s international consortium is formed by Tampere University (Finland, coordinator), Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy), Centro Cardiologico Monzino (Italy), and Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg (Germany).