

Mark van Gils

Professor of Digital Healthcare, PI of the research group Decision Support for Health
tel. +358 50 406 6610

Hervanta SM419 and Seinäjoki UCS

Mark has over 25 years experience in machine learning, statistics, signal processing, and artificial intelligence methods for health and wellbeing applications. His interest is especially in combining different data sources (signals, images, interviews etc) to extract meaningful information for decision support. Applications include early diagnostics, patient monitoring, risk assessment, stratification, treatment planning. The work is done typically in international research projects together with healthcare and industry partners.

Alpo Värri

Research director -Health informatics, health informatics standardization and biomedical signal processing

Hervanta SM423

Milla Juutinen

University Instructor (on leave 8.2023 – 7.2024)

Hervanta SM419

Milla is mostly working on health technology and informatics teaching activities and education development. She is responsible of the day-to-day activities of the Health and Assistive Technology (HeAT) laboratory located in Hervanta and Kauppi Campus. Her research interests include machine learning applications especially in walking analysis of Parkinson’s disease patients, which is also the topic of her ongoing doctoral studies.

Antti Kallonen

Project Manager – Artificial intelligence and machine learning methods for clinical decision support

Hervanta SM419

Saana Seppälä

University Instructor – Health Technology and Informatics

Hervanta SM419

Miriana Carla Torquati

Doctoral Researcher – Biomedical signal processing and AI/ML for health and wellbeing interventions


Pedro A. Moreno Sánchez

Postdoctoral Research Fellow – eXplainable and trustworthy AI and ML for decision support in healthcare

Hervanta SM419 / Seinäjoki UCS

Nabid Faiem

Doctoral Researcher – AI/ML for decision support software solutions

Hervanta SM423