Re-Connect / Re-Collect: Crossing the Divides through Memories of Cold War Childhoods  

PI: Zsuzsa Millei 

Aim: The project explores childhood in late socialist and post-socialist societies through memory stories and brings into dialogue public narratives and personal memories that move beyond imaginaries of Cold War divisions between the East and West. 


  • Professor Iveta Silova, Associate Professor Nelli Piattoeva, Professor Kathrin Hörschelmann, Professor Inés Dussel, Professor Madina Tlostanova, Professor Erica Burman, Associate Professor Susanne Gannon
  • Lenin Museum, Tampere: Jaskari, Ulla; Heinimaa, Mia; Rohunen, Ulla
  • Dollardaddy Theatre Group, Hungary: Ördög, Tamás, Biro, Bence, Kiss-Végh, Emőke 

Funding: Kone Foundation, Finland (318,000) 

Website: Cold War Childhoods


Doctoral researchers:

Temisa Isufi:
A Post-colonial history of Albanian ECEC: From communism to pushed democratization

Camila da Rosa Ribeiro:
Creating futures – temporality, desire and performances in postcolonial memories



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