EduKnow research group member Galina Gurova defends her doctoral dissertation

EduKnow research group member Galina Gurova defended her doctoral dissertation at the Tampere University on February 1, 2019.

The dissertation was a part of a comparative research project “Transnational Dynamics in Quality Assurance and Evaluation Politics of Basic Education in Brazil, China and Russia”, in which many EduKnow members were involved. Galina focused on the changes in Russian schools, where performance-based quality assurance policy was introduced in 2000s. The title of her dissertation is “Quality Assurance and Evaluation as a Mode of Local Education Governance: The Case of Russian Schools”.
Galina’s research was supervised by Professor Tuomas Takala and Associate Professor Nelli Piattoeva from Tampere University. Nelli was also the custos for the defense. The official opponent was Dr. Antoni Verger, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and head of the research group Globalisation, Education and Social Policies.Dr. Antoni Verger’s research also focuses on the effects of quality assurance measures on education.