The final book of the BCR project presented in CIES, Mexico City

The EduKnow members Jaakko Kauko, Helena Centeno and Íris Santos participated in the Comparative and International Education Society Conference 2018 (CIES), in Mexico City. Together with the BCR team partners from the University of Turku, the team organised a highlighted panel focusing on the final report of the project Transnational Dynamics in Quality Assurance and Evaluation Politics of Basic Education in Brazil, China and Russia (BCR), which ended in December 2017. In addition to the main results, the presentations focused on four chapters of the forthcoming book:

  • Navigating layers of reflectivity in comparative research on quality, presented by Jaakko Kaukko
  • Establishing and emerging actors in the national political arenas, presented by Helena Candido
  • Changing expertise and the State, presented by Olli Suominen
  • No circulation without friction: the politics of national large scale assessments between data production, availability and use, presented by Risto Rinne

The authors received feedback from discussants Antoni Verger (Universitat Autònoma  de Barcelona) and Radhika Gorur (Deakin University).

The open access book Politics of Quality in Education: A Comparative Study of Brazil, China, and Russia will be published shortly .