Values and Ethical Guidelines

Ethical consideration will be an integral part of all our operations, with justice and equity, respect for autonomy and dignity of the persons, as well as honesty and transparency in research conduct as guiding principles.

We promote good quality of life and equal access to evidence-based cancer care to all patients. We teach and follow the ethical values and principles of international ethical conventions concerning biomedical research, education and cancer care in which Finland is committed (e.g. The Declaration of Helsinki and Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine -ETS164 (24/2010). When processing of personal data, we comply with the regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European parliament and of the Council (General Data Protection Regulation).

We follow the ethical guidelines of the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity as well as the guidelines and regulations of Tampere University and Tampere University Hospital in all our activities. We follow and teach good laboratory & clinical practices in all our operations. All of these values and ethical guidelines are essential part of our teaching and education.


In Finland, The key organization in Research Integrity and Reserach Ethics is the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity, TENK. It is a national body of specialists that are appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture on the proposal of the scientific community.

More information:

Guidelines and other Materials: