News: Professor Helena Ranta visited Global Health & Development

by Yen Phan

Professor Helena Ranta visited the University of Tampere to give a lecture on humanitarian crises for the students of Health in disasters, conflicts and complex human emergencies course.

Helena Ranta is a forensic odontologist who has led a number of international expert teams in investigations of clinical forensic dentistry. She has worked, for example, in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1996-1997, in Kosovo 1998-2001, in Iraq 2004 and in Chechnya. In addition, she has conducted mass disaster victim identifications of South-East Asia tsunami and MS Estonia.

“The students really appreciated the in-depth lecture based on Professor Ranta’s real-life experiences” states course coordinator Annariina Koivu.

Professor Ranta has recently given an interview to the Alusta! about the influence of international politics on investigations in conflict settings. Read her full interview here.