CFP: The moral geographies of spaces and people in transition (Geography Days 2022)

Geography Days 2022

November 3-4, Tampere University

CFP: The moral geographies of the spaces and people in transition

Session language: English
Organizers: Riina Lundman (TAU) and Päivi Rannila (TAU)

The societal changes and transitions around us often involve morally informed causes and consequences that are spatial in their nature. The geographies of ethics can be adopted to study a wide range of dynamic and spatial phenomena such as geopolitics, urban and regional development, forced migration, changing consumption patterns, and so on. Popular concepts within critical geographies such as justice, responsibility, and care are basically ethical or moral in their origin. Moreover, geography itself is a discipline that would require ethical or moral evaluation every now and then. In other words, moral geographies matter both within geography and beyond.

To this working group, we invite theoretically and/or empirically sound presentations about the moral (but not moralistic!) geographies of the spaces and people in transition. We let the participants to decide themselves how they want to approach the issue, but here are some of our suggestions for further topics:

  • Theories of spatial justice, responsibility, and care
  • Ethical urban and/or regional planning
  • Ethics and the everyday life in the changing world
  • Morality and forced human mobility
  • Environmental change and ethical activism
  • Research ethics within geography

The session is organized by the JUSTSPACES Research Network that focuses on the critical research on justice, urban space, and society, but the representations do not need to be limited to urban studies as we would like to discuss the variety of ethical and moral topics within geographical inquiry.

CFP: For instructions for submitting an abstract, see: