
Selected publications

Repo, V. (2024, forthcoming). Carceral riskscapes in the institutions of care. In Candice P. Boyd, Sarah L. Bell, Louise E. Boyle, Joshua Evans, Ronan Foley & Ebba Högström (eds.)  Routledge handbook of spaces for mental health and wellbeing. London & New York, Routledge.

Kymäläinen, P. (2024). Legal geography I: Everyday law. Progress in Human Geography.

Kymäläinen, P. (2024, forthcoming). Emotional and affectual legal landscapes. In M. Jones, D. Mitchell, G. Setten & A. Strecker (eds.). Landscape, Law & Justice – 20 years. Publications of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities.

Pyykkönen, S. & Kymäläinen, P. (2024).  Urban landscapes as therapeutic landscapes: The transforming conceptions of care environments. Fennia.

Chakraborty, A. & Repo, V. (2024). Carceralities and Approved Gender Violence: The Case of Direct Provision in Ireland. Societies 14(1).

Repo, V. (2023). Lähiö paikassa ikääntymisen affektiivisena tilana (Suburb as an affective space of ageing-in-place). Alue ja Ympäristö.

Vainikka, V. (2023). Suomalaiset lähiöt ansaitsevan empaattisen vuoropuhelun. Keskustelupuheenvuoro. Terra 135:3, 167-169.

Lundman, R. & Kymäläinen, P. (2023). The suburban ethics of care: caring for shared spaces in suburban regeneration. Cities 141. 

Jaatsi, M. & Kymäläinen, P. (2023). Everyday improvising in public space: the forest pub as a site for suburban being. Journal of Urban Affairs.

Jaatsi, M. & Kymäläinen, P. (2023). Navigating precarity in everyday (sub)urban space. City & Society 35:2, 77-78.

Repo, V. (2023). Tilalliset käytännöt muistisairaiden henkilöiden ympärivuorokautisessa hoivassa (Spatial practices in 24-hour care of people with dementia). Terra 135:3, 141-152.

Repo, V. & Kymäläinen, P. (2023). Negotiating body and power in forensic mental health care. Social Theory & Health 21, 140-158.

Repo, V., Kymäläinen, P. & Humalisto, N. (2022). “You can feel it in the air”: The institutional atmosphere of the psychiatric hospital for prisoners. Health & Place 78.

Kuoppa, J. & Kymäläinen, P. (2022). Street-Level Workers and the Construction of Social Infrastructure in Suburban Neighbourhoods. Urban Planning 7:4, 409-419.

Rannila, P. (2021). Housing violence in the post-welfare context. Housing, Theory and Society 39:2, 238-255.

Delaney, D. & P. Rannila (2021). In the Eyes of the Law: Stalking and the Legal(Mis)construal of Scopic Relational Spaces. In Bartel, R. & J. Carter (eds.). Handbook on Space, Place and Law, 26-37. Edward Elgar.

Rannila, P. (2021). Relationality of law: on the Legal Collisions in Finnish Planning and Land use Practices. Journal of Planning Education and Research 41:2, 226-235.

Rannila, P. (2021). Humanistinen maantiede tänään? Käsitteellisiä avauksia 2000-luvun kaupunkitutkimukseen. (Humanistic geography today? Conceptual openings in the current urban studies). In T. Ainiala et al. (ed.). Humanistinen kaupunkitutkimus (Humanistic urban studies), 345-363. Vastapaino, Tampere.

Rannila, P. & M. Jaatsi (2021). Lähiötilojen käytöt pandemian aikana. Keskustelupuheenvuoro. Terra 133: 3, 150-152.

Repo, V. (2020) Carceral Riskscapes and working in the spaces of mental health care. Fennia 198:1-2, 121-134.

Rannila, P. & S. Pyykkönen (2020). Public obscenity and the formation of emotional legal landscapes in Dries Verhoeven’s Ceci n’est pas …Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 102:4. 384-399.

Repo, V. (2020). Confined to space: Perspectives on carceral geography. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja AII: 371 I, Biologica – Geographica – Geologica. Turun yliopisto, Turku.

Delaney, D. & P. Rannila (2020). Scopic relations as spatial relations. Progress in Human Geography.

Repo, V. (2020). Vankila vankilan ulkopuolella? Neoliberalismi, valta ja vankeustilat Yhdysvalloissa. Kirja-arvostelu. Terra 132:2, 106–111.

Repo, V. (2020). Tilaan tuomittu: Näkökulmia vankeusmaantieteeseen. Väitöstilaisuuden Lectio Praecursoria. Alue & Ympäristö 49:2, 184-188.

Repo, V. (2019). Carceral layers in a geropsychiatric unit in Finland. Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography 101:3, 187–201.

Repo, V. (2019). Spatial control and care in Finnish nursing homes. Area 51: 2, 233–240.

Lundman, R. (2019). A spatio-legal approach to the intermediate housing-with-care solutions for older people: exploring the adoption of a retirement village concept in Finland. Ageing & Society 40:9, 1956-1977.

Rannila, P. (2019). Legal Diversity and the Strategies of Negotiating Public Spaces in Christiania, Copenhagen. Journal of Urban Affair 41:5, 602–617.

Lundman, R. (2019). Turvallisempia tiloja ikääntyneille? Lakimaantieteellinen katsaus ikäihmisten turvallisuutta koskeviin lakeihin ja ohjelmiin Suomessa. Katsaus. Terra 131:2, 113–121.

Lundman, R. (2018). Exploring Creative Geographies: Urban Art and the Cultural Uses of Public Spaces. Doctoral dissertation. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis.

Lundman, R. (2018). Spatial responsibilities during informal public events: the case of the Art Slum protestival in Turku, Finland. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action 22, 270–284.

Rannila, P. and Repo, V. (2018). Property and carceral spaces in Christiania, Copenhagen. Urban Studies 55:1, 2996–3011.

Rannila, P. (2017). Lain tulkinnat päätöksenteossa: demokratiaa ja oikeutta päätöksenteon jälkeen? Teoksessa Bäcklund, Pia, Jouni Häkli & Harry Schulman (toim.). Kansalaiset kaupunkia kehittämässä, 181–199. Tampere University Press, Tampere.

Rannila, P. (2017). Kenttätöiden kertomaa: yhteisö virallisen kertomuksen takana. Teoksessa Mustonen, Tero, Minna Tanskanen & Jussi Semi (toim.). Marginaalien maantiede, 41–45. Lumimuutos.

Rannila, P. and Mitchell, D. (2016). Syracuse, sidewalks, and snow: the slippery realities of public space. Urban Geography 37:7, 1070—1090.

Rannila, P., & Loivaranta, T. (2015). Planning as dramaturgy: Agonistic approaches to spatial enactment. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research39:4, 788-806.