Kone Foundation grant for the “Forest Rights” project

Kone Foundation granted funding for the “Forest Rights” research project in April 2024.

The Forest Rights project, led by Professor Päivi Kymäläinen and carried out by JUSTSPACES Research Network, is part of Kone Foundation’s “Metsän puolella” community.

The interdisciplinary and international Forest Rights team combines research, art and the disciplines of social research, legal geography and human geography. The project focuses on the following questions:

How are everyone’s rights performed in forest and beyond them?

What kinds of performances and by whom are considered right and wrong?

How has the status of everyone’s rights changed, and how are these ruptures linked with societal transformations?

How could we extend our understanding of forest rights towards more-than human rights?

The research team includes Professor Päivi Kymäläinen, Professor Nicholas Blomley, postdoctoral researcher Rebecca Frilund, and visual artist Kirsi Jaakkola.