STUE action grant for JustTalks events

STUE action grant was granted to JustTalks events for inviting international speakers to Tampere:

JustTalks events will be open to the entire TAU community. The purpose of JustTalks is to create an informal atmosphere where attendees can discuss conceptual and methodological questions related to social/spatial justice and cities. The events will be held at Telakka’s second floor. Each JustTalks event will feature a 20-minute speech by a guest speaker, followed by a commentary by a STUE researcher, a Q&A session with the audience, and relaxed socializing. Most of the guest speakers will come from Finnish universities. However, to strengthen the international connections of STUE and JUSTSPACES, we will also invite international guest speaker once in a semester. The action grant will be used to cover the travel costs of international speakers. The topics include for example political agency, human rights, right to the city and carceral spaces.