STUE Action Grant for the Kaarikarkelot community event

STUE Action Grant has been granted for nine activities, among them the Kaarikarkelot community event that will be organized by the JUSTSPACES research network in August 2023.

Kaarikarkelot community event in Tesoma

Kaarikarkelot community event in the lifecycle block in Tesoma enhances communication and encounters between the residents, surrounding neighbourhood, various stakeholders, and the researchers at Tampere University. The aim of the Kaarikarkelot event is to add social sustainability and everyday democracy in the suburbs. The small-scale community art workshops are organized to “break the ice” and help people from different backgrounds to come together. In addition, a panel discussion or similar is organized as a side event, where decision-makers, planners, service providers, and residents, are invited to talk about the planning and management of the lifecycle block and the everyday life there together with urban researchers. The methods are such that they do not involve or require bureaucratic or professional language, and there are specific methods targeted for those who normally have difficulties in communicating, for example, due to language barriers, cognitive reasons, or shyness. Kaarikarkelot will be organized in August 2023, and is free of charge and open to all.