The Right to Suburban Space Symposium (18.1.2023, Tampere)

The Right to Suburban Space Symposium offers current research information on the state, development, practices and negotiations of suburbs and suburban space as well as reflections to the future. The event is free and open for all interested. There are places for 40 participants.

Sign up by 6.1.2023 using this form.

Time: January 18, 2023, at 12:00-16:15 + Tampere City Reseption at 18.00
Place: Lyhty, Tampere University (Kalevantie 4, Main Building)


Part 1: The Right to Suburban Space

12:00 Opening words
Päivi Kymäläinen, Associate Professor, Tampere University
Liisa Häikiö, Professor, Tampere University
Jaana Nevalainen, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of the Environment

12:20 The Right to Suburban Space
Päivi Kymäläinen, Associate Professor, Tampere University

12:35 The Suburban Ethics of Care
Riina Lundman, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Tampere University

12:50 The Right to Suburban Space or the Right to Justification: A View from the Other Side of the Atlantic
Don Mitchell, Professor, Uppsala University

Coffee break (13:20-13:35)

Part 2: From Visions to Actions and Reflections in Finnish Suburbs

13:35 Turku Suburban Vision – Imagining Together the Suburb of the Future
Vilhelmiina Vainikka, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Tampere University

13:50 In Residence for Rest, Learning and Going to School – That’s the Question, Not a Choice
Dr. Tiina Vainio

14:05 Ageing in (Suburban) Place
Virve Repo, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Tampere University

14:20 The Construction of Social Infrastructure in Suburban Neighbourhoods
Jenni Kuoppa, Postdoctoral Researcher, Tampere University

14:35 Everyday Practice, Precarity and the Negotiations of Suburban Space
Miia Jaatsi, Doctoral Researcher, University of Turku

14:50 Reflections on Finnish Suburban Studies
Dr. Mervi Ilmonen

Short break (15:20-15:30)

Part 3: The Future of the Suburbs

15:30 After Suburbia: Urban Life in the 21st Century
Roger Keil, Professor, York University

16:10 Closing words
Päivi Kymäläinen, Associate Professor, Tampere University

Tampere City Reception (18.00-)

In Tampere City Hall (Tampereen Raatihuone), Keskustori 10, Tampere
18:00 Welcoming words by a Tampere City representative (TBA)
Wine and snacks

The seminar is part of the Right to Suburban Space project of Tampere University. The event is funded by the Neighborhood Program (2020-2022) of the Finnish Ministry of the Environment and organized by the JUSTSPACES research network and the Sustainable Transformation of Urban Environments (STUE) profiling area.

More information:

Associate Professor Päivi Kymäläinen,

Learn more about the Right to Suburban Space project

Print the programme here [pdf].