
Selected publications

Kymäläinen, P. (2025, forthcoming). Legal Geography II: The Possibilities and Disruptions of Place. Progress in Human Geography.

Uotinen, J., Loivaranta, T. & Seal, A. (2025) Nonhuman Well-Being is a Part of Happiness and Well-Being Conceptions Among Central Indian Indigenous Communities. Journal of  Happiness Studies 26, 7

Jaatsi, M. (2024). Canning in the City: Informal Recycling and the Question of Legitimacy in Urban Public Space. In Pardo, I. & Prato, G.B. (eds.): Forms of Inequality and the Legitimacy of Governance. Palgrave Studies in Urban Anthropology, Vol. 1, Palgrave Macmillan.

Repo, V. (2024). Carceral riskscapes in the institutions of care. In Candice P. Boyd, Sarah L. Bell, Louise E. Boyle, Joshua Evans, Ronan Foley & Ebba Högström (eds.)  Routledge handbook of spaces for mental health and wellbeing. London & New York, Routledge.

Kymäläinen, P. (2024). Emotional and affectual legal landscapes. In M. Jones, D. Mitchell, G. Setten & A. Strecker (eds.). Landscape, Law & Justice – 20 years. Publications of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities.

Repo, V. (2024). Spatial solidarity among older adults in age-related housing. Social Science & Medicine.

Kymäläinen, P. (2024). Legal geography I: Everyday law. Progress in Human Geography.

Lundman, R. (2024). Kohti neuromoninaisempaa kaupunkia: lähtökohtia yhdenvertaisemmalle ja neuroesteettömälle kaupunkisuunnittelulle. Terra136(1), 25-36.

Pyykkönen, S. & Kymäläinen, P. (2024).  Urban landscapes as therapeutic landscapes: The transforming conceptions of care environments. Fennia.

Chakraborty, A. & Repo, V. (2024). Carceralities and Approved Gender Violence: The Case of Direct Provision in Ireland. Societies 14(1).

Loivaranta, T. (2023) Geographies of knowledge creation in forest rights claims-making processes among Indigenous communities in Central India, Land Use Policy,131,10674.1

Kymäläinen, P. (2023). Kestävä arki ja oikeus kaupunkitilaan. In Avaimia kestävään kaupunkikehitykseen – Tutkijoiden puheenvuoroja. Ympäristöministeriö, Helsinki.

Repo, V. (2023). Lähiö paikassa ikääntymisen affektiivisena tilana (Suburb as an affective space of ageing-in-place). Alue ja Ympäristö.

Vainikka, V. (2023). Suomalaiset lähiöt ansaitsevan empaattisen vuoropuhelun. Keskustelupuheenvuoro. Terra 135:3, 167-169.

Lundman, R. & Kymäläinen, P. (2023). The suburban ethics of care: caring for shared spaces in suburban regeneration. Cities 141. 

Jaatsi, M. & Kymäläinen, P. (2023). Everyday improvising in public space: the forest pub as a site for suburban being. Journal of Urban Affairs.

Jaatsi, M. & Kymäläinen, P. (2023). Navigating precarity in everyday (sub)urban space. City & Society 35:2, 77-78.

Repo, V. (2023). Tilalliset käytännöt muistisairaiden henkilöiden ympärivuorokautisessa hoivassa (Spatial practices in 24-hour care of people with dementia). Terra 135:3, 141-152.

Repo, V. & Kymäläinen, P. (2023). Negotiating body and power in forensic mental health care. Social Theory & Health 21, 140-158.

Repo, V., Kymäläinen, P. & Humalisto, N. (2022). “You can feel it in the air”: The institutional atmosphere of the psychiatric hospital for prisoners. Health & Place 78.

Kuoppa, J. & Kymäläinen, P. (2022). Street-Level Workers and the Construction of Social Infrastructure in Suburban Neighbourhoods. Urban Planning 7:4, 409-419.

Rannila, P. (2021). Housing violence in the post-welfare context. Housing, Theory and Society 39:2, 238-255.

Delaney, D. & P. Rannila (2021). In the Eyes of the Law: Stalking and the Legal(Mis)construal of Scopic Relational Spaces. In Bartel, R. & J. Carter (eds.). Handbook on Space, Place and Law, 26-37. Edward Elgar.

Rannila, P. (2021). Relationality of law: on the Legal Collisions in Finnish Planning and Land use Practices. Journal of Planning Education and Research 41:2, 226-235.

Rannila, P. (2021). Humanistinen maantiede tänään? Käsitteellisiä avauksia 2000-luvun kaupunkitutkimukseen. (Humanistic geography today? Conceptual openings in the current urban studies). In T. Ainiala et al. (ed.). Humanistinen kaupunkitutkimus (Humanistic urban studies), 345-363. Vastapaino, Tampere.

Rannila, P. & M. Jaatsi (2021). Lähiötilojen käytöt pandemian aikana. Keskustelupuheenvuoro. Terra 133: 3, 150-152.

Repo, V. (2020) Carceral Riskscapes and working in the spaces of mental health care. Fennia 198:1-2, 121-134.

Rannila, P. & S. Pyykkönen (2020). Public obscenity and the formation of emotional legal landscapes in Dries Verhoeven’s Ceci n’est pas …Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 102:4. 384-399.

Loivaranta T. (2020) Post-human lawscapes of Indigenous community forests in Central India. Geographical Journal. 186: 288–299.

Repo, V. (2020). Confined to space: Perspectives on carceral geography. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja AII: 371 I, Biologica – Geographica – Geologica. Turun yliopisto, Turku.

Delaney, D. & P. Rannila (2020). Scopic relations as spatial relations. Progress in Human Geography.

Repo, V. (2020). Vankila vankilan ulkopuolella? Neoliberalismi, valta ja vankeustilat Yhdysvalloissa. Kirja-arvostelu. Terra 132:2, 106–111.

Repo, V. (2020). Tilaan tuomittu: Näkökulmia vankeusmaantieteeseen. Väitöstilaisuuden Lectio Praecursoria. Alue & Ympäristö 49:2, 184-188.

Repo, V. (2019). Carceral layers in a geropsychiatric unit in Finland. Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography 101:3, 187–201.

Repo, V. (2019). Spatial control and care in Finnish nursing homes. Area 51: 2, 233–240.

Lundman, R. (2019). A spatio-legal approach to the intermediate housing-with-care solutions for older people: exploring the adoption of a retirement village concept in Finland. Ageing & Society 40:9, 1956-1977.

Rannila, P. (2019). Legal Diversity and the Strategies of Negotiating Public Spaces in Christiania, Copenhagen. Journal of Urban Affair 41:5, 602–617.

Lundman, R. (2019). Turvallisempia tiloja ikääntyneille? Lakimaantieteellinen katsaus ikäihmisten turvallisuutta koskeviin lakeihin ja ohjelmiin Suomessa. Katsaus. Terra 131:2, 113–121.

Lundman, R. (2018). Exploring Creative Geographies: Urban Art and the Cultural Uses of Public Spaces. Doctoral dissertation. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis.

Lundman, R. (2018). Spatial responsibilities during informal public events: the case of the Art Slum protestival in Turku, Finland. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action 22, 270–284.

Rannila, P. and Repo, V. (2018). Property and carceral spaces in Christiania, Copenhagen. Urban Studies 55:1, 2996–3011.

Rannila, P. (2017). Lain tulkinnat päätöksenteossa: demokratiaa ja oikeutta päätöksenteon jälkeen? Teoksessa Bäcklund, Pia, Jouni Häkli & Harry Schulman (toim.). Kansalaiset kaupunkia kehittämässä, 181–199. Tampere University Press, Tampere.

Rannila, P. (2017). Kenttätöiden kertomaa: yhteisö virallisen kertomuksen takana. Teoksessa Mustonen, Tero, Minna Tanskanen & Jussi Semi (toim.). Marginaalien maantiede, 41–45. Lumimuutos.

Rannila, P. and Mitchell, D. (2016). Syracuse, sidewalks, and snow: the slippery realities of public space. Urban Geography 37:7, 1070—1090.

Rannila, P., & Loivaranta, T. (2015). Planning as dramaturgy: Agonistic approaches to spatial enactment. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research39:4, 788-806.