Participating in EUSIPCO 2024

group members at the conference reception

Daniel, Manjunath and Manu presented their latest papers at EUSIPCO 2024 in Lyon.

Daniel presented his paper on sound source localization and detection with distance estimation, with a system that served as baseline in the DCASE 2024 task with the same name.

Daniel was also one of the ten finalists in the 3-minute-thesis contest. Though he did not win the final award, it is an impressive accomplishment to be the there and present under such pressure!

Daniel at #MT contest

Manjunath presented our latest work on Incremental learning that treats different locations in the data as domains to be learned incrementally.

Manjunath presenting at the conference


Manu presented an analysis of the soft metrics using the systems submitted for the DCASE task 4 Sound Event Detection in the 2023 challenge edition, so separately on soft labels and hard labels reference data.

person giving a presentation

All in all it was a great conference, with lots of audio and especially DCASE-related work presented around the many rooms. Adding to it the networking, social events, and Lyonnaise cuisine, it was a blast!