NRWC 2022 deadline for abstracts extended until May 29

Our research group is happy to host the 8th Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference!

The deadline for abstract submission for NRWC 2022 has been extended until 29th May 2022. Please submit your abstract through this link:

The conference will be held 8-10 November 2022 in Tampere, Finland.

Call for papers for more information on how to take part of NRWC 2022.

We are very much looking for your submission and the upcoming event!

Retail Metamorphosis – How Retailing Reconfigures Itself for the Future

The aim for this year’s conference is Retail Metamorphosis – How Retailing Reconfigures Itself for the Future. The conference invites submissions that focus among other things on how retailing is undergoing a transformation in its basic logics including fundamental changes, for example, in consumer behavior, the role of platforms, and retail business models. The conference asks: What is the role of retailers in the future from the perspective of consumers and the society as a whole?