
Research groups’ recent projects financed by external sources.

CARE: Circular consumption Activities to tRansform households toward material Efficiency

Funded by the European Union (Horizon Europe), 2024-2027. Principal investigator Prof. Elina Närvänen.

CIRCEX: Circular Economy Experience

Funded by the Research Council of Finland, 2023-2027. Principal investigator Prof. Elina Jaakkola/UTU (Prof. Elina Närvänen/TAU).

Waste matters: Change agents’ engagement in circular economy transformation

Funded by the Finnish Foundation for Economic Education, 2020-2023. Principal investigator Prof. Elina Närvänen.

EPELI: Epäterveellisten elintarvikkeiden markkinointi lapsille (Identifying national guidelines for the regulation of marketing unhealthy food to children)

Funded by the Prime minister’s office’s analysis, assessment and research activities, 2020-2021. Principal investigator Prof. Mikael Fogelholm/HY (Prof. Elina Närvänen/TAU).

Vertaiskauppa osana kaupan evoluutiota (C2C as part of the evolution of retailing)

Funded by the Finnish Foundation for Economic Education, 2017-2019. Principal investigator Prof. Hannu Saarijärvi.

Kuluttajakansalaiset aktiivisina ruokahävikin vähentäjinä (Consumer-citizens as active reducers of food waste)

Funded by Emil Aaltonen Foundation and Finnish Foundation for Economic Education, 2016-2019. Principal investigator Prof. Elina Närvänen.

Suomalainen ruokaympäristö ja sen osatekijät (Finnish food environment and its components)

Funded by Prime minister’s office, 2018-2019. Principal investigator Prof. Hannu Saarijärvi.

Verkkokaupan palautuskäyttäytyminen (Return behaviour in electronic commerce)

Funded by the Finnish Foundation for Economic Education, 2016-2017. Principal investigator Prof. Hannu Saarijärvi.