
We lead and participate in numerous public and private research projects, of which the most important ones are listed below. Domestic projects are introduced in Finnish.

Performance-based fire design approach

The aim of the research is to develop and clarify the performance-based fire design approach in Finland.

For more information, please contact:
Prof. Mikko Malaska,

Fire safety of wood buildings

Development of andvanced calculation methods for the design of timber buildings: Charring of timber, the contribution of the exposed timber to the fire, fire induced delamination and the design for burn-out.

For more information, please contact:
Prof. Mikko Malaska,,
Prof. Sami Pajunen,,
Doctoral researcher Mika Alanen,

Fire safety solutions for smart buildings

Smart building technology and operating environments are opening up opportunities for operating surveillance, security and safety of buildings and premises. Digital technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT) enable new solutions for proactive fire prevention, fire detection, rescue, fire extinction and the maintenance of the systems and components. The intelligent building environments and technology also create new challenges and risks related to fire safety. The aim of this research is to find out how fire safety has been taken into account in ongoing intelligent large-scale and high-rise construction projects in Finland. It is also investigated how the data generated by sensors used in HVAC systems can be utilized to improve the fire safety of the buildings and premises and to support the operations of fire and rescue services.

For more information, please contact:
Prof. Mikko Malaska,

Steel hollow section joint analysis and design at elevated temperatures

Mechanical properties of steel hollow section joints have been extensively studied in the past decades. However, less research has been focused on joint mechanical behaviour and failure mode at elevated temperatures. In this research, the behaviour of steel hollow section T-joints during fire exposure is studied experimentally and numerically. Full-scale fire tests have been carried out on unloaded and loaded T-joints. The experimental research has been supplemented by extensive numerical analysis and parametric studies. The aim of the study is to determine the actual temperature distribution of the joint during the fire and to determine how this distribution affects the performance and resistance of the joint and joint components in a fire situation. The study also examines the failure modes in fire conditions, and investigates weather the failure modes in fire are different from those determined under normal conditions.

For more information, please contact:
Prof. Mikko Malaska,
Doctoral researcher Jolanta Bączkiewicz,

Various timber construction projects (2021-2024)

Several projects on industrial timber construction are presented in the Industrial timber construction Graduate School website.

Contact person: Prof. Sami Pajunen,

Sammon taonta & Kolmiloikka (2020-2022)

Näissä kahdessa rinnakkaishankkeessa tavoitellaan teollisen puurakentamisen 20% tuottavuusloikkaa prosessin eri vaiheita kehittämällä. Oma osuutemme liittyy etenkin rakennesuunnitteluun, kustannuslaskentaan sekä osapuolten rajapintoihin. Case-kohteina projekteissa ovat todelliset, käynnissä olevat kohteet puurakentamisen uudiskohteet Tampereella ja Jyväskylässä.

Yhteyshenkilö: Prof. Sami Pajunen,

Puuosaamista Pirkanmaalle (2021-2022)

Puurakentamisen kasvun pullonkaulana on osaajien puute. Tässä konsortiohankkeessa kehitämme pilottikoulutuksen, jonka avulla voidaan täydennyskouluttaa rakennesuunnittelijoita puurakenteiden suunnittelijoiksi.

Yhteyshenkilö: Prof. Sami Pajunen,

tPUUr (2021-2022)

Valtakunnallinen hanke, jossa luodaan teolliseen puurakentamiseen digitaalista oppimateriaalia kaikkien oppilaitosten vapaaseen käyttöön. Oma osuutemme kohdistuu etenkin rakennesuunniteluun.

Yhteyshenkilö: Prof. Sami Pajunen,

Direct design method for high strength steel tubular structures (2019-2022)

In this research project, the aim is to apply the recently developed direct design method on tubular structures made of high strength (and regular) steel. The idea of the direct design method is to employ a system-level safety factor for the entire structure to verify its resistance instead of performing design separately for each member. The system factor is obtained by reliability analysis on a class of structures.

The project is funded by the Doctoral School of Industry Innovation, with SSAB Europe as the industrial partner.

Contact person: Asst. Prof. Kristo Mela,
Doctoral researcher: Lauri Jaamala

Shear resistance of sandwich panels (2021-2024)

Sandwich panels with thin steel faces and thick insulation core are widely used as cladding structures in various buildings. In this research project, the current methods of testing and calculating the shear resistance of sandwich panels are examined. The goal is to provide updated testing procedures and expressions for the shear resistance to be used in design. The project includes an extensive testign campaign accompanied with thorough computational analysis.

The project is funded by the Doctoral School of Industry Innovation, with Ruukki Construction as the industrial partner.

Contact person: Asst. Prof. Kristo Mela,
Doctoral researcher: Shekhar Silwal

Steel cladding systems for stabilization of steel buildings in fire, RFCS-STABFI (2017-2020)

Steel cladding structures -namely trapezoidal sheeting and sandwich panels- can efficiently be used to provide additional stability to individual structural members and entire building frames. While a wide set of guidance is provided for design in room temperature, knowledge on the stabilising effect of cladding structures in a fire situation is still lacking. The primary objective of the project STABFI was to produce enough data on the stabilising behaviour of trapezoidal sheeting and sandwich panels in a fire such that the stabilising effect could be taken into account in design. The research included an extensive testing campaign, numerical studies, and derivation of applicable structural models.

The STABFI consortium consisted of the following partners:

Tampere University (Coordinator)
Czech Technical University in Prague
City, University of London
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Brandenburg University of Technology
HAMK University of Applied Sciences
Ruukki Construction
SFS Intec

The project was funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (EU).

Contact person: Asst. Prof. Kristo Mela,

In the project, researchers from City, University of London created a software for the design calculations of a steel member supported by sandwich panels at elevated temperatures. The standalone software package can be downloaded here. A user manual can be downloaded here.